
Fire and Ice


Her: Have you seen my cow slippers? It’s freezing.
Me: Since meeting you, I’ve heard sentences I’ve never heard ever in my life. Which is saying a lot, because I’m over half-a-century old.
Her: You told me I bring joy and light to your life.
Me: I say a lotta things.
Her: (glares)

It’s been bone-chillingly cold out here lately – and not just between the Firecracker and me.

Like, seriously bone-chilling:

But that also meant some snow and sledding out around here, which is a welcome thing for the kids.

Both kids were excited to get their snow on, so we were up insanely early to let them do it.

There was hardly anyone there when we first arrived.

But that was relatively short-lived.

Which is fine because the Firecracker and I were both freezing.

Her: I’m glad we’re leaving. I can’t feel my toes. (starts laughing).
Me: I can’t either. What are you laughing at?
Her: (pointing) That. Every time I come here, I see the remains of sleds that gave up the ghost.

My brother hates the snow and winter, which is why he lives in Pasadena.

But he and Paul have been dealing with the opposite problem of ice and snow, and that’s fire and ash.

Which sounds a lot like what we had to deal with here two years ago.

This is a pic of his backyard…

…usually, those pools are pristine.

Smoke and ash notwithstanding, he knows that he’s among the lucky ones, at least so far.

Paul and one of the Scenic Fights producers had to evacuate and one of them is just a few blocks from my brother’s pad.

Me: Can I post these pics?
Him: Sure, though what’s there is of course trivial compared to the sorts of calamities that befell houses up the way in Altadena. Those pics were from the morning of Tuesday the 8th, I think. The night before there were winds like I’ve only seen/heard maybe once before here in LA, it was nuts.
Me: Man…
Him: You know, I’m not sure I’ve used the word “befell” in a sentence befall.
Me: Are you proud of yourself here?
Him: It’s like Albert Shakespeare said, “Pride is a many-sided mirror.”
Me: (sighing)

Location: my living room, after the kid accidentally dropped his entire spaghetti dinner on the white rug
Mood: blargh
Music: You pulled the rug right out from under my life (Spotify)
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A mini-celebration

Dinner at The Mark

Him: Let’s get a date for dinner. With beautiful WAGs.
Me: Works for us!
Him: I was thinking The Mark?
Me: I’m more of a Grey’s Papaya kinda guy but that would work for us. We can’t do any earlier than 6:15, though, because of the rug rats.
Him: You can just leave them outside by the curb. OK, 7PM The Mark. More appropriate to the occasion.

The NFL Player and Thor dropped me a line the other day. They wanted to take me out to celebrate our getting engaged – wives and girlfriends included.

So, one cold evening, we bundled up, got our passports, and headed over to the east side of town to meet up at The Mark Hotel Jean-Georges restaurant.

I’d never been although I’ve driven by it dozens of times.

It was gorgeous inside.

It’s funny because the three of us were among the older people at our old gym; so, we immediately got to talking about alla our injuries.

Me: How’s your shoulder?
Thor: Eh, ok. How’s your back?
Me: (shrugging) Same.

On top of that, could barely read the menu because of the small print and the darkness of the restaurant so the NFL Player lent me his reading glasses.

Me: We’re hitting a new level here, fellas.

The NFL Player’s wife also deals with some back issues.

Her: You know, I could get you a pillow for your back. These seats will be difficult.
Me: OMG, I’ve reached this point in my life.
Her: (waving her hand) It’s fine. I’ll have one of the staff get you something.

And she did. And it was glorious.

The rest of the night was more highly inappropriate conversation, which I won’t repeat here.

Thor’s wife: …so lucky.
Me: (shocked and laughing) Jesus Christ, you barely had anything to drink yet.
Her: (dismissing it and laughing) Oh, I don’t need alcohol to be like this.

The food was absolutely killer – I ordered the steak…

…and got one of those tiny bottles of tabasco that I find so cute, to boot.

The Firecracker also enjoyed her dish and got dessert, which we shared, even though I really shouldn’t have.

Also tried some of Thor’s desert as well.

Afterward, we made our way back to the Upper West Side and civilization.

Her: Your friends are really nice.
Me: Agreed. I have no idea why they like hanging out with me.

Location: a winter wonderland(ish)
Mood: tired
Music: a middle aged man settled down on my soul but I’m not that old (Spotify)
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When it comes out

Me: He’s so dumb. Talking to him is like having a conversation with a goldfish that can tawk.
Her: OMG your Queens just came out!
Me: Dammit!

My Queens accent has come out twice with the Firecracker and she’s astute enough to catch it when it does.

To paraphrase Amy Ryan – who came from Flushing, Queens, same as me – from The Office: You can take the boy outta Queens…

One of the things that the Firecracker and I have been doing is digging through the dozens of board games up in here that I’ve literally never played.

They were either rando gifts or items that old tenants left in my building, and I was loathe to throw out.

Her: Wait, you own this and have never played it? How long have you had it?
Me: (thinking) Jesus Christ, like 25 years?

Case-in-point, The Firecracker pulled out a board game of Yahtzee the other day that I probably had since the 90s and yet never played.

Not once.

So, she and I did just that.

We both managed to roll some pretty insane things, such that our first round was pretty impressive.

It was all downhill from there.

Exciting times here in Casa Lo.

Me: I think we should never play this again, we’re never gonna top these rolls.
Her: (nodding) This is very true. No one is gonna believe us that you just rolled a full house.
Me: (shaking head) Nope.

It’s not Miami, or the Bahamas, or a nice cruise but it’s something.

Post engagement is non-stop excitement.

But it’s also exactly what I wanted.

Location: heading out for the sixth time to try and paint my wall.
Mood: desperately needing a nap
Music: I know, I know, I know, this is all I want (Spotify)
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Travelogue: Bahamas 2024, pt 3

Tastes like a hangover

After we got back from the Bahamas, we pretty much just ate and hung out at the ship.

We did manage to head to one of the nicer restaurants, even though I could barely taste anything with my stupid cold.

And we also caught a few shows, alla which were pretty good.

Oh, and we made friends with our sever, Harry, who comped us like $200 worth of drinks.

Me: I feel like a leech. I’m gonna give him a few bucks.
Her: Good idea, do that.
Me: What do you think [of the pina colada]?
Her: (shrugging) Tastes like a hangover.

The weather was super windy for some reason.

The Firecracker felt like she would be blown overboard…

…but that meant that we were the only ones outside, which is always a plus.

I don’t know what I’m doing here.

And because we didn’t have some Chinese food on the island, we decided to have some on the ship in one of their specialty restaurants.

Her: What do you think?
Me: It’s good. It’s not Chinese food, but it’s good.
Her: What does it taste like if not Chinese food?
Me: (thinking) It’s what I imagine a Panda Express to taste like.

While Harry kept plying us with free booze, we also hit up some of the other bars for a change of pace.

And drank the rest of the way home.

Her: What about your cold?
Me: I tell myself that alcohol kills germs.

Before we knew it, we were back in Miami and heading back to NYC.

Unlike our trip out, we made it to the airport with a ton of time to spare.

We didn’t fly Spirit, this was just a good pic. Although, they’re actually the safest US carrier, legit.

Arriving in NJ, we were immediately reminded that it was winter back here.

And that’s the story of how the Firecracker and I got engaged.

Again, flip-flops on a ten-mile walk is a terrible idea.

Location: stuck in front of my desk doing work
Mood: still brrrrrrrrrrrr
Music: Got me tripping out like the sixties (Spotify)
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Travelogue: Bahamas 2024, pt 2

Seriously, pooped

Her: Again!?
Me: Evidently.

So, the last time I was on a cruise, I was raunchily ill. This time, I just had a cold but both meant that I couldn’t fully enjoy the trip.

The other thing was that, when we went to Bermuda, we were on the island less than three hours.

This time around, because of rough seas, we were only in the Bahamas for five hours – which, admittedly, is an improvement but not by much.

But, determined to make the most of it, we decided to walk from the pier to Atlantis.

It was a seven-mile, round-trip walk.

The thing was that I found out that the only thing that alleviated my back pain was/is walking.

Her: I guess we’re walking then.
Me: I guess so.

So, we did.

We probably shouldn’t have done it in flip-flops, though.

There’s this German saying I love that goes:

Gutes Gespraech kuerzt den Weg.
Good conversation shortens the way.

Luckily, the Firecracker provides just that.

We first went to the Queen’s Staircase, just to see it.

I’d never been there, despite my being to the Bahamas at least four times previously.

From there, we walked to Atlantis, where we stayed for just a few minutes, got a Starbucks, and then took the long trek back.

Her: (enjoying her coffee) That was totally worth it.

Me: I’m fine with not seeing the beach; honestly, you seen one beach, you’ve seen them all.
Her: Agreed. Plus, I like not having to get sand outta my shoes for the next day or so.

On the way to Atlantis and back, though, we saw:

Not one, but TWO metal detectors just in the middle of the sidewalk, and unplugged…

…a cat deep in the hunt for some birds…

…a lamp that had seen better days…

…and a rando Chinese restaurant.

Her: You should stop in and say, hi.
Me: It’s not like we all know each other, baby.
Her: (laughing) That’s not…
Me: I’m joking. But, nah, then I’ll get into a conversation and the only person I wanna talk to is you.

These are the kinda exciting things that happen to you when you’re with me.

We ended up making it back to the ship and man, were we pooped.

Seriously, pooped.

The rest of the trip was just us eating up a storm.

But I’ll tell you about that in the next entry just because I’ve got a ton of pics to share.

Location: a kid’s playground, for the third time today
Mood: exhausted
Music: it was only us when it was only us (Spotify)
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Travelogue: Bahamas 2024, pt 1

A quick cruise to the Bahamas

The next day, we woke up and grabbed a cab to the Miami cruise terminal.

The main reason why I picked a cruise for the two of us was because it actually fit our schedule perfectly and we both love cruising.

It was a real quick four-day one on a pretty small ship but she was still pretty excited to go.

Unfortunately, while I was ok in Miami, by the time we boarded the ship, I was sick again.

I’m pretty sure that that French kid that was coughing up a storm while I was traveling back from NJ to see the Firecracker, got me sick.

In fact, that was one of the reasons I booked this cruise in the first place; I felt I missed out on a solid 1/3 of that cruise because I was sick.

Me: This stinks. The last cruise, I was out for the about a 1/3 of it, and this one looks like it’s gonna be the same.
Her: Sorry, baby. But let’s make the best of it.

So, we did.

Me: If nuthin else, I’m eating less than I normally do.
Her: You’re eating less? You’re still ordering all the appetizers and two entrees per meal.
Me: (puzzled) Yeah. Like I said, I’m eating less.
Her: (shakes head)

Unlike last time, it was pretty much non-stop eating, reading, and sleeping for me.

Which is my idea of a perfect vacation.

It didn’t hurt that the Firecracker was there with me.

My sleep was pretty awful the entire time because my cold ended up being the kind where you cough all night and don’t end up getting a single good night of sleep.

That was super annoying.

We didn’t do much, at all on this trip but I have enough pics to put them into a second entry.

So, I’ll see you for that.

Until then, here’s a cool video of our departing the port – it’s sped up 10X, so this is a ten-minute video in exactly one minute.

Location: evidently, the arctic
Mood: frigid and tired
Music: it was only us when it was only us (Spotify)
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Travelogue: Miami 2024

Dinner in the sky

The very next day after I proposed, we woke up at the crack of butt to catch a plane to Fort Lauderdale.

Her: Wait, you booked an 8AM flight?!
Me: (slowly) Yes?
Her: So, we have to wake up at like 5AM?
Me: (slowly) Yes?

The train ride there was pretty uneventful, although we were close to the only people out and about that day.

We did have to run in one portion of the trip, but that’s a story for another time.

My MIL bought that bag for the Firecracker for Christmas. If that doesn’t tell you everything about that family, I dunno what will.

We were in Miami by noon.

I booked an inexpensive hotel that was in a GREAT location on South Beach so that we could stroll around.

We were both pretty hungry, so our first stop was a Cuban sandwich shop; unfortunately, the Firecracker wasn’t in the mood for a Cuban.

So, we ended up getting a turkey sammie, which was ok but not Cuban sandwich ok.

This was $28 (!)

We then strolled around the neighborhood for a while…

…before we ended up at the beach.

Me: Man, this is awesome. We’re on a beach in December!
Her: This is great. Hey, what are we doing for dinner?
Me: Oh, the Frenchman and Tess recommended a joint for us; I made reservations. It’ll be pretty low-key.

It was not.

But more on that in a moment.

So, after a quick nap, we got dressed and walked the mile to the hotel where the restaurant was.

We’re New Yorkers so a mile walk’s nuthin to us.

Her: Wait, that looks just like [the Frenchman and Tess].
Me: (to them) Hey, guys!

Arriving at the hotel elevators, I saw the Frenchman and Tess and waved.

I didn’t tell the Firecracker that they both just happened to be in Miami at the same time and were joining us for dinner.

The Firecracker: What are you two doing here?
The Frenchman: Oh, he didn’t tell you?
Tess: Is that ok that we’re here?
The Firecracker: Are you kidding? That’s great! (turning to me) OMG, you are full of surprises.

Tess had been to the restaurant before, so we let the two of them order everything.

The food was absolutely killer…

…but the views were even more so.

Here’s the view from the bathrooms.

The bathrooms!

Tess encouraged us to take pictures because the rooftop pool was empty, and the views were spectacular.

The waiter heard that we just got engaged so he comped us some champagne.

No vibe like drinks in the sky vibes, lemme tell ya.

Afterwards, they drove back home and she and I walked back to our hotel room, taking more pics as we walked.

Me: Good engagement so far?
Her: Amazing!
Me: OK, well that’s the end of the surprises, everything else is as you know it.
Her: It’s been just great so far.

Actually, at least for you, there’s one more surprise.

I’ll tell you all about it in the next entry.

Location: back in freeeeezing NYC
Mood: brrrrrrrrrrr!
Music: Drinks in the sky, that’s the vibe (Spotify)
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So, I did a thing

Past, Present, and Future

I rushed out the door of my in-laws because the Firecracker was all by her lonesome for Xmas.

For various reasons, she’s spent a lotta Christmases alone and I didn’t want her to have to do it again.

In any case, the train into the city was standing-room-only packed and this French woman was behind me and her teenage son – who was sniffling and coughing – was in front of me speaking to her with me in the middle of them.

I’m gonna get so sick, I thought.

More on that in a couplea entries.

Her: I was young. It was like the early 2000s.
Me: Oh man, I was already in my 30s then.
Her: Yeah, cause you’re old
Me: (sighing) Well, thanks for not saying “AF” after that sentence this time.
Her: You’re welcome – but I was thinking it.
Me: (nodding)

Do you remember when the Firecracker and I went to Pasadena together and we stopped by Tiffany’s?

While she was there, she tried on engagement rings, and we talked about what she liked and what she didn’t like.

Welp, I made some mental notes.

A few months ago, I ended up buying a Past, Present, and Future ring for her in her size because it just felt like it was time.

Was just waiting for the right moment to give it to her.

While I was walking around the hood the other day, walked past a local restaurant that we love and chatted with a young woman about maybe doing it there.

The young woman I spoke to was all for it.

Her: Are you available for a quick call sometime on Monday? I would love to discuss the details with you to surprise her! We have our Skylight room available that day.
Me: YES! Thank you!

There’s a LOT more to that story but we can end that part here.

Coincidentally, both my brother and SIL, as well as the Firecracker’s sister and BIL were in town, so I invited them to come by afterward to have dinner.

It was my brother and his wife that were kind enough to come early and set up to take pictures and videos of everything – and on Christmas Day to boot.

Decided to do it on Christmas Day since everyone was free and the restaurant had time and space.

One of these days, I’ll tell you how I got the Firecracker to come along without arousing suspicions.

So, after I left my in-laws, I hightailed it back to Manhattan and, with alla my gear and bags, went to the restaurant to make sure everything was ready.

Then I went back to home where I saw the Firecracker.

Me: Sorry I’m so late. Trains were a mess.

When I first met the Firecracker felt that there was something immediately familiar about her.

I think we know our people innately, and everything else is just confirmation.

I set her apart pretty much right when I met her.

So, I figured I should tell her that in a way that was also set apart.

Me: I promised you that you wouldn’t spend any more Christmases alone. So, Firecracker, will you marry me?
Her: (nods) Yes.
Me: (laughing) Well, alright…

Note: There’s no sound in the video.

Location: Back in frigid NYC
Mood: cough-y
Music: No doubt in my mind where you belong (Spotify)
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Christmas 2024

What are the chances?!

The Firecracker and I had such a good time at Bryson’s for hot pot that we invited the Firecracker’s sister and her family over for some at our pad.

It was the first time I’d ever had hot pot in my pad so that was a nice (almost) Christmas experience.

Boy: It’s a giftcard [from the Firecracker’s sister]!
Me: Under the penumbra of this apartment, I get 10%.
Firecracker’s BIL: I don’t think that’s how that word is used.
Me: Well, I’m thinking of it in legal terms as it was used in a famous Supreme Court case.

There are a lotta things that mean one thing to a lawyer – like penumbra and proximate, which immediately spring to mind – that mean other things to laymen.

Me: I don’t understand why I didn’t get invited to more parties as a kid.
F-BIL: (slowly nods) It’s a mystery.

In any case, I did not get 10%.

I may appeal.

One of the traditions that I’ve now learned to truly love is spending time with my in-laws for Christmas.

I love that, despite Alison not being here, that the kid gets to experience something similar to what he woulda experienced had she never died.

It’s cold comfort but better than no comfort at all.

In any case, the kid and met up with my SIL in Hoboken and hitched a ride out to see them.

Now, before I tell you about my Xmas, wanted to relate onea my favourite stories in life:

Decades ago, I went to my parents to help them fix a computer and upgraded a small 2.5 harddrive for them, and put the old 2.5 harddrive into my breast pocket.

Afterward, I stopped by and visited my buddy Danny the Good’s pad and, while I was there, Danny and his wife were discussing their own computer issues.

His Wife: What’s wrong with it?
Him: The harddrive’s shot. We need to get a new one.
Me: Wait, I’ve got one on me! (reaches into pocket and pulls it out)
Her: (laughing hysterically) Only Logan would have a spare harddrive in his pocket.

OK, back to the present: I’d bought my in-laws a mesh router and offered to set it up for them.

FIL: I don’t know if we need one. The old one works fine.
Me: Welp, I’ll just leave it here then and we can always install it at some point in the future.

Wouldn’t you know it, the router ended up failing repeatedly while I was there.

MIL: (joking) It seems awfully coincidental that our old router fails right when Logan brings a new one for us.
FIL: Very suspicious.
Me: (laughing) You should just be happy I have it.
Her: What are the chances!?

So, I set it up for them so that worked out.

As for the kid, he got a ton of loot that he wanted.

And I got plenty of food…

…and my SIL made her amazeballs eggnog, which is essentially just an adult milkshake.

Promised the kid that I’d stay for Christmas breakfast and lunch but then I had to run because I had to meet up with the Firecracker.

Him: You can’t stay for dinner?
Me: Sorry, kiddo. I promised [the Firecracker] that I’d see her.
Him: (nodding sadly) OK.

Had to keep my promise to the Firecracker for really good reasons that I’ll tell you all about in the next entry.

Location: Back home with the kid
Mood: sick but getting better
Music: I’m getting confused cause this isn’t our room (Spotify)
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Three holiday parties in one day, Pt 2

Still crashing parties

After I left the previous party, I hopped onto the train to head to the Lower East Side.

Got off at the wrong stop so I had to high-tail it about a half-mile in the freezing cold.

Kept marveling how much that part of the city had changed since my old days of hanging out in Rain’s pad downtown.

Some things don’t change, though. Like these people playing ping pong outside despite the absolutely frigid weather.

I was the third guy to arrive; it was just five of us because others in the group already had other plans.

It was still nice to see everyone.

We ordered a buncha dishes…

…but didn’t get the King Crab – which started at $500.

Luckily, the table next to us did:

Speaking of the table next to us, I ended up chatting up with some of them because they had more wine bottles on their table than I’d ever seen in the past.

Him: Try some (of our wine).
Me: Well, I’m not saying no to alcohol.

As for us, my buddy SJ’s been playing prank on our buddy Gar for years – years – now, where he tells the waitstaff that it’s Gar’s birthday.

Afterward, we hit up my fourth spot for the night, a dive bar right next door.

Me: What is that?
Him: A pickle martini.
Me: A pickle martini?!
Him: (shrugging) I like martinis. I like pickles.
Me: (nodding) Fair.

Stayed for just a single drink before I left to make the long trek home.

Slipped into the kid’s room and he stirred.

Him: (sleepily) You’re home.
Me: (whispering) See, I told you I’d come home and see you.
Him: (nodding)

By the time you read this, it should be 2025 – blows the mind, really.

I’m super behind with entries just because I’ve been so active lately and there’s so much going on.

Bear with me as I try and catch up?

Location: The aft of a ship, watching Miami go by
Mood: a little under the weather
Music: Every time you smell sunscreen baby, do you see me (Spotify)
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