
Halloween 2008

Maybe Friday night, Heartgirl and I went out with Bryson, his wife, Paul and buncha other people. Hit up three parties and rolled in at 3:30 Saturday morning. First party was the above sweatbox. Think I blew out my left eardrum. Which sucks, cause I still need it. Eh, got my right. Bryson and his […]



Picasso’s Guernica is probably one of the most famous paintings of suffering out there.


Uncool me

A few weeks back: Her: Wait, you only have one bowl? Me: (shrugging) I only have one me. I don’t have an iPod – don’t have an “i” anything, in fact. Someday maybe, not now. Almost all my music, DVDs, books, papers, works, I’ve digitized and put into a computer I built myself. I watch […]


Something Came Up

Location: read below Mood: full Music: I know that you are not a child I’ll be very impressed if you know this song. Met a pretty scientist tonight. Yes, I didn’t know either. Was supposed to meet a girlie for drink tonight but something came up. So instead, I went to a grand opening with […]


So great

It’d be so great if I could fall asleep. Most nights, I’m just walking about town. There’s always something to see. There’s always something for the singular.