Had a chili cook-off by me to celebrate my cousin’s birthday. It was fun. It feels weird having fun.
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There’s a myth that gunfighter Kit Carson’s last words were: “Wish I had time for just one more bowl of chili.” They weren’t, but I can appreciate the sentiment.
The reason why McDonalds is so successful and most Chinese restaurants aren’t is because of the simplicity of the menu of one and the complexity of the other.
Pizza vs. Chili
When my brother comes to NYC, he has pizza. It’s like when I go elsewhere and have chili. We’re very alike but very different.
Ketchup and the best kid
Not a big secret Her: Just ketchup, please. Me: What? How about I put on mustard and onions? Her: No thanks, just ketchup. Me: Chili? Her: Nope. Just ketchup. Me: You know, according to the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council, if you’re over 18 years old, you shouldn’t be using ketchup. Her: I’m a […]
Like a post-doctorate bagel
Whenever I go to someplace like Mexico or Europe, all I want when I’m back is some Asian food.
Belle and the Tacos
This whole entry is about tacos, broadly speaking, but also on relationships and friendships. As an aside, what is a taco but a Mexican gyro?
We ended up stopping by Cozumel for a short bit – not doing what we expected but still fun.
While I’d been on a lotta cruises before, this is the first time I flew somewhere to take one. Not 100% I’d do it again.
A celebration and then karaoke
Went out to a party for the Firecracker and ended up in Times Square singing with my brother. All-in-all, not a bad night.