
Unexpected hellos / Unexpected halos

She wanted to say hello, and just did

Me on phone, hating life:

(sigh) Look, I heard you, now hear me out…yes…yes…no…fine. What would you do if you were me?…That’s conjecture, let’s stick with what we know…

Text on mobile from Europe:

Logan! It’s your Berlingirl! Just wanted to say “hello”…and now I did! 🙂 How’s autumn in NY? I just had my show last week and it went great. Hugs!

Me on phone, hating life a little less:

…What? I’m sorry, could you say that again? (pause) I was distracted by…something.

It’s always the little things that make us or break us. And Autumn in NY?

It’s always lovely, even when it’s not.

Location: 12:47 yest, happily interrupted in my office
Mood: wet
Music: Ich bin mittendrin Da dreht sich die Erde


My life on repeat

The time I rode a mechanical bull

Probably not the best thing when you still have whiplash.

Had a lot on my mind this weekend so my friends dragged me out. It was a hella weird weekend.

Paul and I went to a total of five parties, all of which were vastly different than expected. I really needed a distraction. So Paul paid $10 to have me go onto a mechanical bull. Quick but fun.

Did I ever tell you that Berlingirl was here studying dance?

Here’s the thing: In the last party of the night, for the grey-eyed girl, I met yet another German girl studying dance here in the big city except she was from Köln.

What’re the chances?

I spent the rest of the night chatting with her and the grey-eyed girl until 3AM or so. And then we were gone.

Can’t tell you how many times these days that I daydream of running away somewhere.

Then the 2 train comes and brings me someplace I don’t really want to be but gotta.


I’m at my parents place and my dad is singing to himself. It’s midnight. How cute is that?

Location: 21:15 yest, leaving office
Mood: exhausted
Music: Digging deep for clues on higher ground


What has Life told you?

Got a call from a girl who asked me an interesting question


Me: I dunno, I’ve been out a lot this week, I shouldn’t.
Nadi: Blue-eyed Lawyergirl is gonna be there. Although you are NOT permitted to make a pass at her.
Me: First of all, I’ve got my hands full. Then again, why not? That’s half the fun right there – for all involved parties.
Nadi: It’s open ba…
Me: I’m in.

Was thinking of a girl with curls when my email box went ding.

Berlingirl wrote me and asked the most random but sweet thing: Hope you had a lovely day today! What has Life told you?

Thought that was such an interesting question.

So I stayed in tonight to listen. Life didn’t say anything to me though.

I’ll sit by the phone and wait anyway. Just in case.

Don’t wanna miss that call.

Location: living room, black chair
Mood: waiting
Music: where ever you go I always know
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A little kindness

The world can be a nice place sometimes

Got a package in the mail the other day from The Laura. She had sent me some clothes because she mentioned that she had some in my size.

The thing is that we’ve only ever met three times and each time very briefly. So the gesture was all the more appreciated because it was so unwarranted. She even sent a lovely card.



Berlingirl stopped by on Sunday. She’s going home this week and I’m most likely in Syracuse by the time you read this so we won’t see each other again for a while.

But I told her that she has a friend in NYC if she ever comes back.

Me: It was nice meeting you too.
Her: (smiling) Will you see that girl you like this week?
Me: I hope so.
Her: (She smiled, leaned in and gave me a kiss) Strange. I’ve never kissed a German-speaking, Chinese-American in a Mexican museum exhibit before.
Me: And now you have.
Her: (laughing) Yes, I have. I hope you have a happy life, Logan.

You too.

The world can be a nice place sometimes. I forget.

Ich vergesse so viel…aber du vergesse ich nie. Gute reise!

Location: 6:30PM yest, saying tschüss @ 72nd & Broadway
Mood: grateful
Music: by and by, I’ll fly away