
The bouncer

It’s been busy

Mouse and I’ve been doing a lotta things these days.

She was nice enough to watch the boy while Chad and I filmed another one of our Fight Scene Breakdowns for Scenic Fights.

Here are the last two, because I don’t think I’ve posted them in a while. This one was mine regarding Under Seige.

While this one was Chad’s on Redeemer:

The guys that film us are pretty cool and talented but I really have to thank my own instructor, Agapito Gonzalaz, for letting me do this.

I wouldn’t do it if he wasn’t ok with it. Also, his instructor, Bill McGrath, has been supportive as well so I wanna thank them both.

The Scenic Fight guys put me down as a “knife expert,” which I definitely don’t think is the case. But I suppose it’s more compelling than, “slightly above average knife guy.”

I’m lucky in that I’ve had such amazing instructors in my life. Chad’s actually my BJJ instructor and, as you can tell by the videos, he’s ridic talented.

But I try to show him a thing or two when I can.

Me: Wanna come out and do some pickup with me and Mouse?
Him: Sure

As a recovering womanizer, I’m pretty good at talking to anyone but it took me months to work up the courage to speak to a stranger. Chad, however, may be a natural.

Chad: Welp, I gotta do this. (stands up)
Me: Wait. Do what?

Before I knew it, he walked up to the two prettiest women at the bar and chatted them up. This is after he spoke to a table of strangers.

Me: (after) Damn, I’m impressed. How did it go?
Chad: Don’t be. It was pretty good but then her friend kept pulling her away.
Mouse: Ah, you met the bouncer.
Him: The what?
Her: The bouncer. It’s the bouncer’s job to get rid of guys. You should always chat her up first. Next time, I can get rid of her for you.

I’m not really sure I’m even needed these days.

Location: home with the boy. Oh, how I’ve missed him.
Mood: conflicted
Music: I really need somebody to call my own
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Therapy with Rain

I wait for the things worth waiting for

He’s been busy and so have I; plus we don’t have the requisite scratch for another ep of 72nd to Canal (if you happen to have 22 grand lying around, shoot me an email). We haven’t seen each other in a bit – life just gets in the way.

But his girl checked in with me today (she’s a sweetheart) and I recalled one of my more interesting conversations with him.

Him: Six months?
Me: Well…yeah, pretty much…
Him: Wow. I think I’d explode.
Me: Dude, it’s not that bad. I think I could make a year.
Him: That’s in-sane! One year?!?
Me: Oh yeah, I’m like a camel. I wanna wait until I find someone I really like.
Him: You’re not getting any younger, man. And no one lies on their deathbed thinking, Oh, I’m glad I didn’t hit that when I was 34.
Me: (shrugging) I’m ok. Plus, have you seen me lately?
Him: (scoffing) I’m looking right at ya – you should take what your goblin ass can get.

Location: 10PM yest, Broadway & 82nd, wondering
Mood: hard to say
Music: we notice you don’t come around
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A little kindness

The world can be a nice place sometimes

Got a package in the mail the other day from The Laura. She had sent me some clothes because she mentioned that she had some in my size.

The thing is that we’ve only ever met three times and each time very briefly. So the gesture was all the more appreciated because it was so unwarranted. She even sent a lovely card.



Berlingirl stopped by on Sunday. She’s going home this week and I’m most likely in Syracuse by the time you read this so we won’t see each other again for a while.

But I told her that she has a friend in NYC if she ever comes back.

Me: It was nice meeting you too.
Her: (smiling) Will you see that girl you like this week?
Me: I hope so.
Her: (She smiled, leaned in and gave me a kiss) Strange. I’ve never kissed a German-speaking, Chinese-American in a Mexican museum exhibit before.
Me: And now you have.
Her: (laughing) Yes, I have. I hope you have a happy life, Logan.

You too.

The world can be a nice place sometimes. I forget.

Ich vergesse so viel…aber du vergesse ich nie. Gute reise!

Location: 6:30PM yest, saying tschüss @ 72nd & Broadway
Mood: grateful
Music: by and by, I’ll fly away

business personal

Pets, Pt. III


Caffeineguy’s entry will explain. I miss my pets.


Client: I need you in Syracuse next week. (pause) Think of it as a roadtrip.
Me: (scoffing) Sheeyah…


Conversations with a friend:

Him: So basically, we’d be renting out small dogs for guys that wanna meet chicks.
Me: Well, what’s gonna happen when the betty actually shows up at the guy’s house and there’s no dog?
Him: That’s the brilliant part, he can just go, “Oh, Spike got hit by a car.” Then he also gets the sympathy vote too.
Me: Well, that’s just insane.
Him: Plus imagine we get a dog with only three legs. (pause) That’d be like…like gold!
Me: You’re going to hell.

Me? I’m going to Syracuse…

Location: 8PM yest, 6th and 3rd with Nadi & some rum
Mood: amused
Music: I’d rather be with…I’d rather be with an animal
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dating personal

Never gonna fall for

Saw a concert with Camera Obscura and The Last Town Chorus


The Last Town Chorus playing Modern Love at the South Street Seaport

Hopping on a 6AM train bound for Baltimore tomorrow. Exam.

Not ready but when are we ever for these tests we take in life?

Did go to that concert Friday at the seaport to see Camera Obscura. Opening act was The Last Town Chorus – that’s a pic of the lead singer, sorry so blurry, I was hella far away. They sang a cover of Bowie’s Modern Love.

Camera Obscura at the South Street Seaport

Told the Grey-Eyed Girl I went with that I got dropped off by my party bus rental at the seaport and spent my prom night there. She got a kick outta that. Been in this @#$! town too long.

Speaking of towns, looks like she and I are heading for Friendsville – weird, it’s usually me driving there. Well, it happens.

Been on 20 dates with 14 girlies in 60 days. Plus I met two separate women on the way to the concert. Not sure I’m cut out for this modern love – I’ve essentially turbo-charged my disappointments and disappointing. Perhaps I’m just all charm and no substance.

Startin’ to think dating’s just an excuse for me to blow coin I ain’t got, time I don’t have and hope I can’t spare.

Actually, hope? That I got.

Cause I keep thinking, this time’ll be different.

This time…

Location: on the telephone, dealing
Mood: indescribable
Music: Its just the power to charm
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Drawing a Blank

Went on a date on a roof

A girl I was seeing (past tense) invited me to see Grosse Point Blank with some of her friends and family on their roof and I’ve gotta say it was awesome. She didn’t stay long, she just wanted to know what it felt like to be dating a cowboy.

First of all, I love that film. If you haven’t seen it, you must. Think it was the last great movie Cusack was in – Pivin was great in it too. Holds up to the test of time.

Guess I also liked it because the whole experience was just fun.

It’s kinda disappointing when you meet and get along with someone’s family and friends. You never just stop seeing the person, you stop seeing everyone they came with too.

Names, faces, places? They all blend together to that soupy grey I hate so much.

But, the bits I remember clearly? Those I love.

And we both know I’ll keep visiting them in my head

Location: at 7PM, going to the WestSide TenZen
Mood: thoughtful
Music: her eyes are as big as her bubbly toes
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dating personal


Three dates

Blue Eyes

Me: (joking) You’re not a pescatarian are you?
Her: No.
Me: Good.
Her: I’m a Lacto-ovo vegetarian.
Me: (nodding slowly) Of course you are.

Brown Eyes

Her: I don’t think this is gonna work out.
Me: I’m surprisingly ok with that. (handing her a breadbasket) Biscuit?
Her: (shrugging) Sure.

I think I hate dating.

Green Eyes

Her: (after thinking) I liked that.
Me: That’s good. I may do it again.
Her: (pause) OK.

OK, fine, that last one was nice, but still…

Location: 8PM yest, going east on the LIE
Mood: better
Music: I really love your peaches wanna shake your trees
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This modern love

Modern love is like shelf-stable food; kinda real, mostly not

Note to self: 48 oz of black coffee with DayQuil in one sitting is way too much caffeine.


Pardon me as I curl up and shake myself to death.


Actually posted a happy date story once. Of course that too went to hell but that’s neither here nor there. And I had two nice dates recently but one ended up as a figurative train wreck; the other, a literal car wreck.

A while back, I did see a girl I’ve was orbiting around for almost a year right before she got gone.

Me: Hey, just wondering if that invitation for lunch still open…
Her: Hi! (pause) Did you ever work through your things?
Me: (pause) In a manner of speaking.
Her: What does that mean?
Me: (thinking) There’s this river, Lethe, that the Greeks thought that, when you died, your spirit went there to drink from it so you could forget your former life and get on with your new one.
Her: Okaaay…creepy…and…
Me: (laughing) You’re trying to forget someone; I’m trying to forget someone. It’s like that song This Modern Love, Do you wanna come over and kill some time?
Her: (laughing) This has got to be worst invitation for a date I’ve had since junior high.
Me: I go for the superlative. (pause) So…you wanna come over and kill some time?
Her: (thinking) Sure.

Interestingly, in classical Greek, lethe could also mean the opposite of truth; the opposite of real.

This modern love is like lactose-free, shelf-stable, non-fat, non-dairy cream.

All the trappings of the real thing without a drop of it.

Not even a drop.

She’s a sweetheart. I hope she finds something someone real.

Location: no change, black chair
Mood: hopped up on OTC drugs & coffee
Music: modern love breaks me This modern love wastes me
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I could never take the place of your man

Met another women recently

My favourite line in Forrest Gump is when he goes, I’m not a smart man, but I know what love is. I thought about that with a girl I met up with recently and a girl I haven’t seen in a little while.

Her: Because I know.
Me: What do you mean?
Her: I know what it’s like when a guy’s crazy in love with me. I’ve had crazy love before, where I know, he’s only thinking of me. Now it’s the worst because I compare every guy to him. He’s ruined me. It’s my curse. Because now I know what it could be – what it should be… (after another half hour, I kissed her on the cheek and got up to go) You don’t have to go, you know.
Me: (laughing) We both know I do.

Been out and about a lot these days. It’s the luck of the draw. Just how it happens.

I wanted to tell you a happy story but tell me that these aren’t more interesting?

Location: 10PM, yest. on 75th with a pretty girl
Mood: sotted
Music: don’t waste your time, I know what’s on your mind


I know, I know, I know

I’m good at self-sabotage


Had coffee late the other night with a girl I met just last week. Here’s a discussion I had with a friend when I got home.

Him: Hey, you’re back. She seemed really cool.
Me: She was. But, we both decided not to see other again.
Him: (surprised) What? Just like that? You guys seemed to get along really well – she’s pretty, smart, an omnivore, AND an insomniac. That’s right up your alley.
Me: I know, I know, I know.
Him: Politics?
Me: Interestingly, no…just a…personal choice I made that she disagrees with.
Him: Have you really thought this through?
Me: (thinking) Probably not. But she has my digits, she knows where to find me. Plus, maybe I’ll call her if things change with me.
Him: (pause) Man, you’re a self-sabotaging bastard.
Me: (sigh) I know, I know, I know.

Location: 7PM yest, 1345 Ave of the Americas
Mood: disappointed
Music: Time on my hands Could be time spent with you
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