
We handle life as we do bad weather

Someday we’ll know

Sunset at sea

Her: I don’t think of you as 41…
Me: Thanks, that really…
Her: …mainly because you act so immature.

For my birthday last week, Paul and his fiancee took me and the wife out for sushi around the way; they recounted their first date with us, which I’d not heard before. The funny thing about first dates is that you never know if that first date will lead to something more or less in the future.

Speaking of the future, been thinking about it more and more these days as I (slowly) accept that I’m 41. I’m nine years away from 50. I’m solidly middle-aged. And, when I fill out forms, I’m in a totally new age bracket.

But, it’s better than the alternative.

This Austrian named Alfred Polgar once said, “Too often man handles life as he does the bad weather. He whiles away the time as he waits for it to stop.”

So I try make these moments worth something, if only to myself.

Suppose someday we’ll know if it was worth something to anyone else.

Location: the middle of my life
Mood: pensive
Music: bought a ticket to the end of the rainbow
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Which one are you?



Saw a sneak preview of The Kingdom on Monday. It had it’s good and bad points but I gotta say that the fight scene with Jennifer Garner is worth the price of admission.

Totally hot. Totally.


Me: So you think she was saying that she was gay to get rid of me or what?
Nadi: Nah, that’d make it more conversation, not less. If she just wanted to get rid of you, she’d have just said she had a dude.
Me: True. Hmmm, I wonder if…
Nadi: Oh stop, you’re not gonna change her. That’s every man’s dream.
Me: (laughing) Maybe we should eat there some…
Nadi: (rolling eyes) Sheeyeah, Logan – riiiiiiight…

Him: You’ve never heard that before? Look, everyone turns into one of the Seven Dwarfs when they drink. Like me, I’m Sleepy Dwarf. So, which one are you?
Me: (thinking) Is there a Friendly Pirate Dwarf?

Location: 9PM, getting slashed at in the UWS
Mood: content
Music: Don’t wake me i plan on sleeping in
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