Location: the interwebs, trying to get something 46x35in
Mood: frustrated
Music: accounts of peace while passed beneath the canopy glow

Ended up making pizza. Tasted great, looked terrible. Gonna try again and take some pics for you.
Late posting cause I spent the last two hours trying to get an oversized print of Hopper’s Nighthawks. If you’re in Chicago, y’should really see it in the museum – never have myself.
If y’ever came by my pad, you’d see that my walls are bare except for one thing my pop drew for me once.
But, realized that barren walls don’t make a home, so been looking for some artwork with my very limited scratch. Hopper’s got a good sensea how solitary the city’s sometimes. Y’can have someone surrounded by people and still by yourself; or even be at home with someone and still be by your lonesome, like his Room in New York.
Sides him, kinda partial to vintage posters like the kind below.
Thing is that, always thoughta home as someplace else. George Carlin useta say something like, a house is just the place where y’keep your stuff. So, I was never one to get even more stuff, like artwork.
But, being 36, suppose it’s time to call a place home already, yeah? Ergo, stuff. Ergo, art.
This’s my first real piecea artwork that I’ve not made myself.
Tell me something, what else should I consider?

YASYCTAI: Tell me what art y’like. (5 mins/0.5 pts)