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Got a few emails and comments from people saying they felt bad for me. I’m good, though. God gave me everything.

My GPS lies to me, but otherwise, all is good

Spent the day running around Connecticut, Westchester, and then stuck for two hours on the Cross Bronx Expressway – the GPS said it would take 22 minutes. It took 2.5 hours.

Damn lying GPS.

Was rushing back because I had a church function to attend. Eventually I got there and did my thing.

Somehow, two girls and I got onto the topic of dating and I told them that I had a mental block about meeting and dating someone from church. I just feel that’s sleazy somehow.

For some reason, they thought that was the one place I should be looking to meet someone.


I then went home and got a call from a pretty lady and met her for a quick drink.

Quite a day.


Got a few emails and comments from people saying they felt bad for me. Thanks much, but don’t feel bad for me, please.

I’m good. God gave me everything.

Location: One hour ago, getting a kiss on Columbus
Mood: exhausted
Music: God gave me everything I want; I can’t stop

7 replies on “Everything”

I found this blog accidentally by way of your LJ. I've been following along your entries for a while and I'm more partial to Blogger so here I am. And I don't feel bad for you.

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