
One man’s search for meaning – and Fried Chix

Here’s how my return trip went – complete with a visit to the Naked Cowboy and four fried chicken joints.

Mainly Fried Chicken

It’s good to see that it’s still business as usual for the Naked Cowboy.

I’m still recovering from this damn thing; can’t walk a few steps without needing to sit down and rest.

But when I was out yesterday, I was determined to get the one thing I’ve been craving for over a month – fried chicken.

It’s time to be honest with you all. For years, I’ve talked about my love of gyros and chili, and it still exists. But switching over to a mainly fat and protein based diet, I had to cut back on both. Instead, I’d eat a ton of fried chicken – minus the skin (mostly).

      • The KFC near me on 103rd closed last year, but I’d been going to the Popeye’s on 94th. I went there first before the gym. It was closed.
      • After the gym, I went to the Popeye’s at 252 8th Ave, New York, NY 10011 because Google said it was open. It was not.
      • No problem, I would go to the one at 240 W 40th St, New York, NY 10018, which Google also said was open. It, too, was not.
      • Then I decided that I should just go to Jollibee at 609 8th Ave, New York, NY 10018. That was also closed.
        • God clearly doesn’t like me and doesn’t want me to have fried chicken.
      • I gave up and went home via 8th Avenue. On the way home, I saw that Taco Bell on 840 8th Ave, New York, NY 10019 was open. I went in.

Her: What can I get you?
Me: What’s the smallest party pack?
Her: 10 tacos, do you…
Me: (nodding) Yes. God, yes.

I went home and ate eight of them.

Brother: You’re doing what?
Me: I *was* eating 10 Taco Bell tacos. But, after eating eight, I need a nap. Eating is now winding me.
Him: Well, I think most people would get tired after eating eight…
Me: I’m not most people. I’m gonna nap and then wake up to finish the last two. Later.

I crashed for 15 minutes, got up, and finished the last two tacos. It’s all about dedication.

The next day – my birthday – I wished that I had some tacos. But I still had a hankering for chix, so I spatchocked some chicken and fried that up under brick.

I burned the skin slightly, so I was bummed. I mean, I still ate it but…

To cheer myself up, I made Chocolate-Covered Katie’s keto cheesecake in fat bomb form.

Man, Alison loved Chocolate-Covered Katie.

I ended up video chatting with a buncha people for my birthday.

But really, spent most of the day drinking by myself.

Which sounds about right.

Still, I did have cheesecake and cheesecake alone is still cheesecake, yeah?

Location: my empty apartment, now with lots of cheesecake
Mood: just fine
Music: don’t want your stupid shit, you can have it back (Spotify)
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