What are things people don’t know about you?
- type 75 words a minute but have a hard time spelling.
- have a happy face in my eye at the main picture up there on the upper left-hand corner – take a look.
- cannot play any team sports and have never watched a superbowl game but know an esoteric fencing system.
- have never cheated on anyone.
- wake up and do 50 push-up and 100 crunches because I can’t afford a gym.
- like Jaerik, must climb stairs two at a time – yes, I look like an idiot but that’s not for you to judge. I usually bound up them unless there are lots of people or am beat.
- hate the summer and heat.
- can do a side split without warming up (don’t ask).
- can outeat most people. I can also eat burgers, pizza and gyros every day for a month and still want more. I will not put ketchup on my burger.
- have had serious relationships with two people that appeared on a Rachel Ray show and a Fox News show.
- always send out those freebie sweepstakes they mail you because I once won $1000 on iwon.com and $800 on Cash Cab.
- can’t drive stick-shift, something that drove my German ex-girlfriend crazy.
- rarely curse, only started drinking less than eight months ago and have never done drugs.
- lived for two years in a room hidden behind a bookcase off Times Square.
- miss my dog and wish I were nicer to him.
- call my brother almost every day and see the rest of my family once a week.
- read 850 words a minute with 50% comprehension and 650 WAM with full comp. I read somewhere in between
- never bought a textbook in college after freshman year because I couldn’t afford them. I took good notes and dated the TAs when necessary. I’m not proud.
- avoid juice and cereal even though I love them both.
- once turned really quickly on a flight of stairs and slammed my face into Tyra Bank’s boobs.
- would give up 40 points of IQ to be able to sleep like my last two girlfriends.
- am afraid of dying without making up for all the bad things I’ve done.
- was going to be a pastor but decided I would be a bad role model.
- am extremely clumsy. When I met an ex’s family, I spilled my drink on her grandmother. I’ve also had surgery on my face because I fell down a flight of stairs and the left side of my face was crushed in.
- am a hopeless romantic and wished my love life worked out like in the movies.
Ok…you probably guessed the last one.
Location: @1:30AM, on the N with L and a new girl.
Mood: tired
Music: with a sunny smile and a witty eye and you may find a smiling guy