
Another day, another hurricane

Staying home because of the Hurricane Sandy. Lemme just say that the old saw that you can feel storms approaching via injuries it totally true.

Waiting for Sandy in the UWS

Empire State Building against a cloudy sky

Her: I’m heading to Duane Reade, do you need anything.
Me: Not that I can think of.
Her: What about that section with all the random crap?
Me: Isn’t the whole store just a buncha random crap?

Staying home because of the Hurricane Sandy. Lemme just say that the old saw that you can feel storms approaching via injuries it totally true; my knee has been absolutely killing me for days now and today is no different.

Just like when Hurricane Irene came a year ago, we prepped by charging our batteries, filling the bathtub with water, buying water, and making sure the chili and rum stocks were full.

As I write this, there’s lull in storm at least on the UWS; we’re told it’s going to pick up dramatically in just two hours or so.

Gotta say that having my leg in this brace is a bit worrying but I’m hoping it’s nuthin.

On another point, if you’re trapped indoors and looking for something to do – because of the storm or otherwise – I’m trying a new coupon promotion for my book The Men Made of Stone.

If you have an ebook reader, you can get a copy for $0.99 via coupon code DA49V by clicking here.

And now, I’m off to try to do something to get my mind off this @$#@# leg of mine…

Location: same chair
Mood: discomforted
Music: been locked out of heaven for too long
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2 replies on “Another day, another hurricane”

it's very windy here in chicago. a side effect of the hurricane y'all experienced. glad u all survived!

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