Her: (after applying make-up) See the power of make-up?
Me: You always look good.
Her: Awww, you don’t have to say that.
Me: It’s not like I married you for your personality.
We took a trip out to Jersey for her grandmother’s 90th birthday (and other reasons) this past weekend and stayed over at the Westin in Jersey City. It’s nice to get away from city, even if it’s only across the river and for just a bit.
90 years. Find that pretty astounding, actually. I’ll be 90 in 2063, which seems like a lifetime away but it’s only 18,615 days away.
It’s a weird time in my life where the hours drag but the years sprint away.
While out there, we managed to grab a couplea episodes of the BBC show Sherlock, which puts Sherlock Holmes in the 20th Century. Truly somea the best writing on television. Do yourself a favour and try to catch it.
Speakinga writing, am hit with a massive case of writer’s block. No joy.
While out in Jersey, drove by the place that my ex used to live and s’funny when you look back on your life and remember the different versions of yourself like they were different people.
It’s always me but it is not I.

Location: getting to the post office
Mood: rejuvenated
Music: all these places have their moments with lovers and friends I still can recall
5 replies on “The hours drag but the years sprint away”
[…] for most of Fall and Winter and start to head out again in Spring. Nothing special, really. Suppose most people are like that. It’s just how it […]
[…] considering checking into a hotel. The pad’s empty save for memories I don’t wanna […]
[…] It’s been four years since they left. Time moves so fast. Me: The hours drag but the years sprint away. […]
[…] Like always, the hours drag but the years sprint away. […]
[…] I wrote about that day and I titled it: The hours drag but the years sprint away […]