
I could never take the place of your man

Met another women recently

My favourite line in Forrest Gump is when he goes, I’m not a smart man, but I know what love is. I thought about that with a girl I met up with recently and a girl I haven’t seen in a little while.

Her: Because I know.
Me: What do you mean?
Her: I know what it’s like when a guy’s crazy in love with me. I’ve had crazy love before, where I know, he’s only thinking of me. Now it’s the worst because I compare every guy to him. He’s ruined me. It’s my curse. Because now I know what it could be – what it should be… (after another half hour, I kissed her on the cheek and got up to go) You don’t have to go, you know.
Me: (laughing) We both know I do.

Been out and about a lot these days. It’s the luck of the draw. Just how it happens.

I wanted to tell you a happy story but tell me that these aren’t more interesting?

Location: 10PM, yest. on 75th with a pretty girl
Mood: sotted
Music: don’t waste your time, I know what’s on your mind


How much?

 It’s good not to have to worry about money for a bit

Me: Look, I’m sorry, I can’t go, I just got back Friday.
Client: You gotta go. We’ll pay you $XXXX.
Me: You’re not hearing me: (emphatically) I…just…got…wait…you’ll pay me how much?
Client: $XXXX.
Me: Total?
Client: Each.
Me: EACH!? EACH!? (pause) Do I have to kill someone?
Client: (pause) Um…not unless you wanna.

Just booked the flight. Each red rectangle you see above is an appointment. I’ll wear my happy face.

I’m tired but summer’s when I make most of the scratch I need for the year so I guess I gotta.

Eh…it’ll be good to not have to sweat coin for a bit.

I had an amazing weekend with some great stories and no time to sort it all out. I’ll tell you though. After I sort.

Was at a bar with El and some friends. Met a girl from Cali too, whom I guess I’ll just call Caligirl.

The bartender had a single orange so that I could have my usual poison. Ergo, you know I had a good night.

Location: here for now
Mood: hella beat
Music: middle of nowhere To the middle of my frustrated fears

business personal

Aren’t you that jackass lawyer?

Met a fan of the show today

…course, if I make soup, I gotta freeze some and I’ve still got all those packs of mac ‘n cheese and veggie burgers. No, the chicken cutlets were the right call. They’re flat so…

Guy: Hey. Hey! HEY! DUDE!
Me: (stopping) Huh? Me?
Guy: Yeah. Dude, you’re that guy from that websitcom, right? 72nd something?
Me: (laughing) 72nd to Canal. Did you watch it?
Guy: Yeah, you’re that jackass lawyer guy, Lorin?
Me: I am that jackass lawyer guy. And my real name is Logan. Good eye.
Guy: Keep up the good work, I liked it.
Me: (shaking his hand) Thanks, man, really. That’s cool. (we walk away)

…I can keep them in fridge. Shoot, I gotta leave some bread out tonight for breadcrumbs. Guess I’ll make them tomorrow. I really gotta clean out my freezer. I wonder if…

Location: 8PM, yest., getting stopped on Broadway
Mood: peaceful
Music: Everybody gonna know me on Broadway

dating personal

Hanging with Nadi

Conversations with Nadya


Nadi: Oh god, why don’t you ever write about when you actually succeed?
Me: What’s the fun there? Met a girl, we hooked up, blah, blah, blah. There’s no story there. Plus, you know I don’t kiss and tell.
Nadi: At least put something there. It’s depressing otherwise.
Me: There’s a fine line between hopeless romantic womanizer and sleezeball player.
Nadi: But it always sounds like, “Oh poor sad sack Logan screwed up with another girl.”
Me: Maybe I’ll put up a 10-to-1 ratio of…wait…sad sack?
Nadi: A ratio might be…
Me: Sad sack?!
Nadi: Look, all I’m saying is…
Me: Whaddya mean, sad sack?! Do people feel sorry…

May be focusing too much at times. How’s your dating life going?

Me, I’m out and about. But I’m also waiting.

After some modicum of attraction, there is only ever two things any relationship needs, and neither one of these things is love.

The two things are loyalty and fun. Everything good comes from these two.

Everything bad comes from when one or both are missing.

If you find someone with these three things, you’re doing well.

But more on that later. Right now, gotta catch a plane.

Location: in Queens, packing
Mood: full & sick
Music: When we were close I’ll remember these things the most

business personal

You just what?

I’m going someplace not fun

Was out with Nadi the other night and I met this pretty girlie.

Her: We should go to the Met or something the next time I’m in town.
Me: Sure. Where you going?
Her: Upstate. I’m staying with the rents over summer break. I just finished my first year in college.
Me: (surprised) You just what? How old do you think I am? And how old are you?
Her: 19. Why? How old are you? 26?
Me: (pause) Not even close, darling.

Eyes. I’m a sucker for a set of pretty eyes.

Well, it’s nice knowing I look young.

Spoke to Nadi earlier and I’ll post our conversation in the morning or afternoon before I step onto the plane.

I’m going somewhere not fun.

Location: at my desk, coughing
Mood: sick
Music: said you love me and that’s a fact Then you left me


Fathers and sons

For my dad on Father’s Day

Couldn’t celebrate father’s day because of the wedding. I saw him though.

My dad graduated from the second hardest law school in Japan – the equivalent of Princeton here. I graduated in the top third of my class; he graduated in the top 5%.

But, when he was younger than I am now, he came here to wash dishes and chop fish to feed his family. He didn’t want us growing up there.

Realize now how hard it must have been to be 4,000 miles from home, not know the language and work at jobs far beneath you.

Can barely make it outta the Upper West Side.

He said my mom cried when he came home stinking of fish guts for the first time. She was the local beauty queen; he was now a fish monger.

I thought I married a lawyer, she said.
You once believed in me enough to marry me, he said, just wait.

She did and he became the man he knew he could be.

He says that he believed in himself even if no one else did.

He says that he believes in me. I’m actually a bit surprised he’s still pulling for me.

At least you’re not gutting fish; you’re already doing better than I was.

I’d like to be the man I think I could be. I’d like to be the man he thinks I could be.

He doesn’t know about this blog (don’t tell him). But I wanna say, Thanks anyway.

I’m very grateful.

Location: 1PM, yest., doctor’s office
Mood: sick
Music: daddy’s rich And your ma is so good-looking
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You’re fun

Come back. Like I said, you’re fun.


Went out to eat with Rain, Furison and some other people the other night. Furison was nice enough to bring me to a place that could serve dark rum with a slice of orange. I’ve been so busy, I never thanked her. Fun and interesting.

Also interesting was the conversation I had with the Natalie Portman-like waitress before I left. I preface this conversation with the fact that I shook her hand before we spoke and she’s holding my hand throughout the entire exchange.

Her: You should come back.
Me: This is about four pay grades higher than where I normally eat. Six if I’m honest. Why?
Her: You’re fun.
Me: I’m not sure how I should take that. I suppose I should start hitting on you.
Her: (laugh) Smooth. You’re cute but…I like the girlies.
Me: (pause) No kidding. Can I convince you to swing for the other team?
Her: (thinking) Well, what if I were Brad Pitt and I asked you the same thing?
Me: Point taken, Natalie. See you around?
Her: Come back, Logan. I’m here. Like I said, you’re fun.

Then she let go of my hand and I left.

Barrel o’laughs, me. Fun Logan.


That’s me.


Wedding season (for me) is finally over.

Location: -3 hrs, my last wedding
Mood: sick
Music: I think I can make it now
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business personal

Ed Koch

Met another girl and Ed Koch

He was the absolute nicest guy. I also met Governor Hugh Carey and Queens Borough President Helen M. Marshall but it was more interesting for me to meet Koch because he was the mayor I remember from childhood.

Look terrible but I’m jazzed. It’s a pretty cool gig.

It’s blurry in my head, but the picture’s clear, so I know it happened.

Sometimes I’m not sure.

I’m sleepwalking through my life again.


Whether or not I join a board (and I put up a profile just to see and it’s getting weird already), I’m sure I’ll still be able to entertain you with my offline ridiculousness.

Me: I’m sorry, where’s the bathroom?
Her: Around the corner there. See the sign?
Me: What sign?
Her: That sign, the sign with the little guy where it says “Men.”
Me: Oh, I’m sorry. I’m still learning to read. I’m up to “X” though, so I’m almost there.
Her: (pause, confused, then laugh) Smart-ass.
Me: (laugh) You’re a little argumentative.
Her: No I’m not!
Me: (pause) Yes…you’re not argumentative at all.

She asked me for a card. I told her I didn’t have one. Really didn’t.

Plus, she wasn’t my type and I’m just too tired to even attempt to be entertaining.

I need to sleep.

Location: in my childhood bed
Mood: cranky
Music: I’m not the man they think I am at home
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Can I borrow a quarter?

The Pickup Line Generator

I’ve been busier than I’ve been in ages. I can’t explain it.

If I knew I’d be working so much, I would have just gotten a job.

GEEK ALERT: On a different matter entirely, and related to my last post, I was thinking of getting a PDA phone and was looking up software options when I came across the Pickup Line Generator 1. Just imagine:

Me: Hi…um, hold on a sec (fumbles with phone).
Her: Um…
Me: Hold on, hold on…um…no that’s no good…not a redhead…haha, funny but…no. Oh wait. This is good. “Can I borrow…?”
Her: (interrupting) Um…I’m gay. And a pescatarian.
Me: Of course you are.

Somewhere, someone is paying $37 to embarrass him/herself completely.


I do it all the time without paying a cent.

Location: Broadway, putting another pretty lady into a cab
Mood: pensive
Music: You’re the best listener that I’ve ever met
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business personal

72nd to Canal Episode 1 – Part 3

I’m good for other things. “Like what?” she asked.

Thanks to everyone for watching our 72nd to Canal and spreading the word. We really appreciate it!

Met three women tonight at a party I went to with Hazel. One is a story for much later, if at all. The other two:

Her: She your girlfriend?
Me: No dear, I love someone who doesn’t love me.
Her: Whoa, that’s a lot of…(hic).
Me: Excuse me?
Her: Sorry, I have the hiccups.
So, because I was pretty lit, I put my rum down, turned and kissed her.
Her: (surprised) Why’d you do that?
Me: Are the hiccups gone?
Her: (pause, laughing) Yes.
Me: Well then, you can buy me another rum then.

Me: So you’re from New Jersey? Are you a vegetarian?
Her: I’ve NEVER been asked that before. No, but would it matter?
Me: (shrugging) Not even close.
Her: So what’s your story?
Me: I’m a pretty, straight boy in NYC looking to drink until I forget things. You?
Her: (thinking) I’m a pretty, straight girl in NYC looking to drink. Buy me one?
Me: No. I’m not that guy. But I’m good for other things.
Her: Like what?

I would say more but let’s leave it to your imagination.

Location: about to get ready to run in park
Mood: sleepy
Music: If I don’t get some shelter, oh yeah, I’m gonna fade away
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