Called the ex today. Purely practical reasons, I assure you. Wasn’t that bad. Like I said yesterday, forgetting is good.
More on that later.
Went to church last Sunday.
Met this woman named named Tara-Leigh Cobble who sang a song called Somehow Stay. I liked it because I thought that it sounded like something I might have written; it’s a gospel but works as a love song too.
Liked it so much that I picked it up; you can also go to her website and hear it to decide if you like it.
I’m also meeting a lot of lesbians for some reason
In addition to the Swedish girls, I met a bunch of really attractive lipstick lesbians/bisexuals this past weekend.
Girl 1 Me: Why are you giving me your number? Her: If you wanna call me, call me, if you don’t, f___ off. Me: OK. Just to be clear, you mostly like the girlies, yeah? Her: Yeah, and? (pause) Y’know, gimme back my f____ number.
Girl 2 Her: So what’s your story? Me: I’m looking for Ms. Right in the big city. Her: (laughing) Funny, so am I.
The second girl and I have swapped a few emails; she’s in a similar profession. She’s very nice – she’s also a full-on Jewish lesbian. I’m sure she’s a pescatarian from NJ too but I didn’t ask.
Me: Actually, I bought a lottery ticket that night. I was sure I’d win. Her: (laughing) I think you already used up your luck for the day.
The girl that was in the car with me politely told me that we probably wouldn’t be seeing each other again. I guess a car accident on a second date’ll do that.
That same day, I also realized I how much work I had ahead of me both with the car and with real work.
And to top it all off, I got onto the wrong train on my way to the junkyard to deal with my crashed car. Was going to waste at least an hour getting there now.
Little things, yeah. But we know that the little things mean a lot to me.
Then these three kids stepped into the subway car and started hitting everything around them with drumsticks.
Asked them if they would play me something. They did.
The little things almost ruined my day. Then again, a little thing saved it. The guy at the pound said I was a lucky boy. The doc said I was fine.
Later that night, I met four lovely ladies, three of whom were traveling from Sweden. The girl in the conversation above lives around the way. Also met some other people but those are stories for a different time.
Despite my best efforts, had to go outside today for work. 95+ degrees of hell.
I live my life via interpersonal perception: quick, acute, and intuitive cognition. In other words: tiny cues.
Was at the bookstore the other day and this guy with hella scary tats came in. He had two short sticks in his bag and callouses on his right hand. So I asked, “Are you an XXXX fencer?”
His face broke out into this huge grin and he gave me the salute for my system, which I returned. We’re gonna roll after work craziness stops.
When it comes to women, think I fall or don’t fall for them based on these cues.
Broke it off with this one girl because she never said, “Thank you” to people. There’re a million pretty girls in the big city – I don’t need one that can’t be nice.
Once fell for another girl because, when she thought I couldn’t hear, she’d wash the dishes and sing just…terribly. Another girl would bob her head back and forth when she was happy or wanted to dance. I loved her right away.
In this video, look at Imogen’s eyes 3 mins, 35 sec before it ends. Things like that kill me. I can’t explain why. It just does.
KT Tunstall is half-Chinese with a smoky Scottish voice. My people rock so hard.
This weekend Hazel and I went to a rooftop party, crashed the Manic Panic 30 year anniversary party, and crashed the NYC Live Earth party at the Maritime Hotel. The rooftop party was fun, Manic Panic had free products and the Live Earth had an open bar. No rum, though.
I’ve been hanging out with my buddy Sheridan’s group of friends – a motley mix of Jewish and Asian. We floated into the latter two parties because Hazel was “Cynthia Wong” that night. At Manic Panic, I met this sweet looking girl who turned around and had this gi-normous tatoo on her back. Surprising – she looked like the (Chinese) girl next door.
Sheridan’s out and about more than me. A few weeks earlier we went to R Bar where I, of course, ended up talking to 22 year olds. Somehow we slipped in a limo going to Azza. There another very sweet looking girl walked up to me, introduced herself, and asked me if I had cocaine. (?!)
Said no but we hung out until it was time to go home. Of course, she was 22 too.
Didn’t exchange info with tattoo girl, cocaine girl or any woman in the past three weeks. My social card is full and I’m swamped with work. Plus, something tells me that Ms. Right isn’t going to open with, “Hi cutie – have any coke?”
My social life is entertaining, scratch is coming in and, most importantly, I’m getting sleep.
Can’t tell you what all that is doing for my mood.
Had an interesting enough night to have to post about it
Don’t normally post over the weekend, but I just had the CRAZIEST night!
Met six women across two bars. Nice. Age appropriate. Just not my type. Just my luck.
Had a late night dinner with Hazel and L at the Shake Shack.
Went to another bar with Hazel where I met two more women. Nice. Not age appropriate. Just my type. Just my luck.
Now here’s the weird part. At the very end of the night, an old man grabs one of the women’s…stuff. But he’s old, I mean like 55+. Can’t hit an old man (not that I can fight) so I shove him. Hard.
He then tries to hit the girl! How sad is that? The bouncers go all over him.
He’s tossed outta the club. The girlies are all freaked out. I’m totally bewildered. I tell the girls, honestly, that it was nice meeting them and then we part ways.
Hazel and I hop a cab. Then we get into argument with cabbie! We bounce outta the cab. She and I grab some food, hop another cab and head home.
Now it’s 3:55 in the morning, Hazel’s passed out on my sofa, I’m munching on a gyro and wondering when my life became so weird.
My favourite line in Forrest Gump is when he goes, I’m not a smart man, but I know what love is. I thought about that with a girl I met up with recently and a girl I haven’t seen in a little while.
Her: Because I know. Me: What do you mean? Her: I know what it’s like when a guy’s crazy in love with me. I’ve had crazy love before, where I know, he’s only thinking of me. Now it’s the worst because I compare every guy to him. He’s ruined me. It’s my curse. Because now I know what it could be – what it should be… (after another half hour, I kissed her on the cheek and got up to go) You don’t have to go, you know. Me: (laughing) We both know I do.
Been out and about a lot these days. It’s the luck of the draw. Just how it happens.
I wanted to tell you a happy story but tell me that these aren’t more interesting?
It’s good not to have to worry about money for a bit
Me: Look, I’m sorry, I can’t go, I just got back Friday. Client: You gotta go. We’ll pay you $XXXX. Me: You’re not hearing me: (emphatically) I…just…got…wait…you’ll pay me how much? Client: $XXXX. Me: Total? Client: Each. Me: EACH!? EACH!? (pause) Do I have to kill someone? Client: (pause) Um…not unless you wanna.
Just booked the flight. Each red rectangle you see above is an appointment. I’ll wear my happy face.
I’m tired but summer’s when I make most of the scratch I need for the year so I guess I gotta.
Eh…it’ll be good to not have to sweat coin for a bit.
I had an amazing weekend with some great stories and no time to sort it all out. I’ll tell you though. After I sort.
Was at a bar with El and some friends. Met a girl from Cali too, whom I guess I’ll just call Caligirl.
The bartender had a single orange so that I could have my usual poison. Ergo, you know I had a good night.
…course, if I make soup, I gotta freeze some and I’ve still got all those packs of mac ‘n cheese and veggie burgers. No, the chicken cutlets were the right call. They’re flat so…
Guy: Hey. Hey! HEY! DUDE! Me: (stopping) Huh? Me? Guy: Yeah. Dude, you’re that guy from that websitcom, right? 72nd something? Me: (laughing) 72nd to Canal. Did you watch it? Guy: Yeah, you’re that jackass lawyer guy, Lorin? Me: I am that jackass lawyer guy. And my real name is Logan. Good eye. Guy: Keep up the good work, I liked it. Me: (shaking his hand) Thanks, man, really. That’s cool. (we walk away)
…I can keep them in fridge. Shoot, I gotta leave some bread out tonight for breadcrumbs. Guess I’ll make them tomorrow. I really gotta clean out my freezer. I wonder if…