
Cash Cab Call

I was a contestant on Cash Cab!

No real entry today but that doesn’t mean that I won’t entertain as I was recently on a game show, which you can see above.

I’m just being lazy. Don’t judge me, I’m sick.

Speaking of sick, would someone please send me some soup?

Location: @3:00 PM yest., on 95th & Broadway shutting a vault
Mood: Still sick
Music: leftovers with mashed potatoes No more candlelight


A Billion Miles of Fate and Luck

What is life but a bunch of random meetings?

(c) A Lo

I once randomly met a woman I dated for over a year at a cocktail party on 76th Street.

Met another woman who stood outside a phone booth in Columbia waiting to make a phone call.

Met yet another one who sat on a park bench north of Astor Place.

And I met Blue Jean Eyes in a random class in a random school at a random moment in my, admittedly, random life.

That last one ended just as randomly the other day. I think. There’s definitely something about her and me that I just can’t put my finger on. While it takes two people to get into a relationship, it only takes one to get out of it.

But you knew that.

I’m ok, though. I was hoping for a nice summer at least but you take life as it comes. She’s great. I wish her only every good thing.

As for me, I’ve dusted myself off, gave Gio and the guys a call and got out and about. Had a weekend that I barely remember and a Monday night in front of another blue-eyed girl who told me I was having a great time.

I laughed.

I read once that the Universe expands by a billion miles in all directions every hour.

Isn’t the intersection of fate and luck fascinating?

Well, sad and disappointing at times, but fascinating nonetheless.

I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Location: @8:30 yesterday, dinner at the Manhattan Diner
Mood: Sick
Music: Hey Lloyd, I’m ready to be heartbroken


Look at the time

I’ll be 34 soon

Just walked in the door from drinks with Nadi, who always makes me laugh, even when I’m as sick as a dog. As I’m sobering up, I hope I didn’t say too much but I’m sure I did. Something else for some other time. She’s looking for something too. I wish I could help her find it.

As for me, I’ll be 34 shortly, so I present three separate conversations from people I met recently:

Her: Oh you went to Cornell too?
Me: Yep, class of 1993.
Her: (pause) I think I was in first grade then.
Me: (sigh) I think that’s my phone…

Her: 1993?
Me: Yeah, why?
Her: (counting) Man, I was nine then.
Me: (sigh) Dark rum on the rocks with a slice of orange. Keep ’em coming.
Her: (pause) We don’t have oranges
Me: Of course.

Him: You graduated high school in 1990?
Me: Yep.
Him: (pause) Wow, that’s when I was born.
Me: (sigh) Look at the time…
Him: (confused) Dude, you’re not even wearing a watch.

But I still know what time it is.

Location: @2:32 AM, spilling secrets on 72nd with an old friend and new
Mood: sick
Music: And feel over the rainbow

business personal

Teaser Too

Today is Easter and I should be off to church but I’m not feeling well. I’ll try to make the evening service. Easter is all about renewal and I could use some right now.

It’s my own fault for not feeling well; I went out last night with my brother and friends, mainly because things are going on with me that I’m trying to sort out. Too much to go into now and I’m in no condition to elucidate but I will. I always do. So last night, I both bent time and caught a cold.

Ooooh, my aching head.

In the meanwhile, Rain and I shot another teaser for the other night – we’ll be archiving them at:

I’m back to fixing mode with my life but all is good OK.

::fix, fix, fix::

Location: @4:23 AM, stumbling home
Mood: Thoughtful
Music: Do you wanna come over and kill some time?



What was the last thing in Pandora’s Box?

They opened a new Amish school house in Pennsylvania the other day.

Hopeful is good.

I think.

Have you ever actually read about Pandora’s box? Yes, she unleashed all of life’s misery but did you know that Hope was the final thing in the box? It was also the only thing Pandora managed to trap.

Eventually, Hope escaped.

There are two ways to look at this, either:

  • Hope is the one thing that counteracts all the crap life throws your way; OR
  • Hope is the worst of all evils because when you’re let down, well…I’m sure you’ve been let down before so, you know.

Always thought it was the former. In my late nights, I’m not sure. I think it may be the latter.

I would like it to be the former, but, then again, I would like a lot of things.

Location: @3:30, crossing the 59th St. Bridge
Mood: sad
Music: read my mind love What a tale my thoughts would tell


Bad Robot…bad

Robots and computers always turn evil. Always.

One thing I do share with my buddy Rain is his irrational suspicions of robots. As he noted, Honda has come up with a robot that runs. Look at this little bugger go!

Man, have we as a collective learned nothing from the likes of the Terminator Trilogy, a Space Odyssey or Battlestar Galatica?!

Between this and global warming, we are totally screwed.

Robots and computers always turn evil. Always.

Unless they’re hot like Daryl Hannah in Blade Runner.

That’s ok.
Location: at home working
Mood: sad
Music: lost without u can’t help myself


The River

Where does the name “Luo” or “Lo” come from?

Yesterday, I met a couple going to Beijing and a boy studying Chinese. It made me remember my younger days.

There was a time when your last name told something about what you did or where you came from.

I once briefly saw a woman named Zelle, meaning cabinet in German. She figured some ancestor made cabinets. That, or hid bodies inside them.

My name was won by some ancestor who did some great deed and was asked by the emperor what he wanted. Like all good Chinese, he said, simply, “Land.”

So, 1200 years ago, he was given a tract of land in northern China in the Bing Province with a river on it – the Luo River.

Fast forward to 20070402, and I’m Lo/Luo version 120b.

Imagine if we started over again today.

We’d have names like, “Pete Accountmanager” or “Mandy Producer.” Or names like, “Edward Google,” “Sandy Fresh Direct” or “John Morgan Stanley.”

OK, maybe that last one works. You get my point.

1201 years of work and I’m the result. It’s humbling and laughable.

I know where I come from.

But where am I going?

Location: @3:00AM, in the 80s, looking for a cricket
Mood: tired
Music: You should turn yourself around and come on home