Was asked to be one of the photographers for my new church opening on the UWS. It’s flattering to be asked but maybe it’s more my Syd than me.
A photographer once told me that at least half of the difficultly of taking pictures of people’s the walking up to strangers and shoving a machine into their faces.
You “take” pictures – no one “gives” them to you. It’s aggressive by its very nature.
The thing’s that I’m not an aggressive guy. Most people’s responses to my taking pictures is a why-not kinda shrug.
Dunno if this’s a good thing or bad thing but I’m leaning toward the former.

Went out to see the family over the weekend and the wife came with. Spent most of it building a PVR for my pop.
Time Warner has two numbers for building these things and I called the local number (718.358.0900) versus the toll-free number (866.606.5889) as it seems to be a shorter wait.
The lady on the first one – after 15 minute wait – said, “Hold on, I’m going to send a signal to your box.” I told her I had a series of numbers that I was supposed to read to her and she told me she didn’t need it.
30 minutes later, I’m back at the Time Warner repair center returning a fried box.
This time, called the second number and – after a 90 minute wait – got a guy who chuckled and said, “She fried your box, huh? Dunno why they keep putting the local numbers there. Those guys don’t know what they’re doing.”
No. No they do not.
Moral of the story? The person with the answers’ worth the wait.

Afterward, met up with Gio. He was having a party at Whiskey Tavern downtown to celebrate his 40th birthday as well his recent engagement. He and I had many the random meetings in the big city together.
As usual with him, the poison was on his tab and all of our people were there. My liver wasn’t speaking to me afterward. Ran into a number of old faces and it was good catching up – even ran into three people that read me here (hola!).
Anywho, there’s this saying that every pot has it’s cover. Maybe that’s true.
Met the future Mrs. Gio that night and told her I wished the two of them all of the best.
Life’s hard enough without your person.
Location: bedroom, writing
Mood: disappointed
Music: you give me no reason why you’re making me work so hard