Two different kids
Went to see my mom and sister for my nephew’s birthday the other day.
We went to Flushing first to get some dumplings from White Bear,…
…some Taiwanese from the local mall, and to get a little shopping done before heading to their place in Queens.
We didn’t eat all that much because my sister was going to get ribs and pizza for everyone for the bday.
It was a small affair, just some of my nephew’s school friends and us.
But, in the middle of it, a neighbor’s kid that stopped by for a brief bit and he was…just awful.
Obnoxious, loud, rude, etc. But I found out afterward that his family life was pretty rough and then I was torn.
Like, people are the way that they are because of their upbringing.
Then, on the ride home, we were in a packed subway car, and it was the NYC Dominican Day Parade.
Well, it was like half the parade was trying to be in our subway car.
In the middle of it, a teen girl turned on music, began dancing inappropriately, and then started vaping in front of my kid.
Me: (tapping her on the shoulder) Hey, can you not do that? My kid is right here.
Her: OK, sorry.
And she stopped. Also heard her say to her friends – that had packed the car and were also vaping, “Hey, there are kids here!”
When we left, I tapped the girl’s shoulder again.
Me: Hey, thanks for doing that.
Her: No worries, mister. Sorry about that.
Her friend: Yeah, sorry mister.
Me: You did the right thing here, so…thanks.
Martin Luther King Jr’s in the news again lately, for the most ridiculous reason.
But he had a quote on the topic that I’ve always liked that seems appropriate to this situation: The time is always right to do the right thing.
As we walked home, the kid talked to me about it all.
Him: They were really loud and scary. Why did you thank her?
Me: Because she did the right thing in the end. Yes, she should have been quieter and yes, she shouldn’t have vaped in the first place. But when someone recognizes they did something wrong and try to fix what they did, you have to give them credit for that.
Him: She was still really loud and scary.
Me: (nodding) Yes. But she was trying to do the right thing in the end. And we always hope that, even if it takes a long time, ultimately, people do the right thing. Maybe next time, she’ll be even better.
Location: a playground, watching a mouse explode
Mood: nauseated
Music: This is a moment in the prime of your life – you better own it (Spotify)
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