Waitress: …and here’s your drink.
Friend: Is your drink pink?
Me: Yes. I’m ok with that. (to waitress) I don’t get an umbrella?
Was supposed to go out Saturday a groupa friends for hot pot but that fell through so met up with my buddy Steel and his brother in Chinatown instead.
For those of you that don’t know what that is, it’s essentially a Chinese fondue with broth insteada cheese. We ordered some lamb, beef, calamari, bamboo shoots, amongst other things; we devoured it all and then washed it down with beer. His brother ended up treating us to dinner.
Me: We should hang out with more doctors.
Him: I know!
Afterward, took a walk to the LES where we had some more drinks. Steel and I both love to cook so we ended up discussing how America’s Test Kitchen is more like Good Eats now.
Me: I made their margarita mix – it was great.
Him: I’ll send you their recipe for a Chocolate Blackout cake; I used powered buttermilk in it and it was a hit.
Ordered a hard cider with berries that ended up being pink. My friends just shook their heads and then we all parted ways.

Headed over to a friends bday party, which ended up moved. There was a young blond woman asking for directions with a familiar accent.
Me: (in German) ‘Scuse me, where do you want to go?
Her: (confused in English) You speak German?
Me: (in German) Don’t be silly, I’m Chinese. Why would I speak German? Now where do you want to go?
She invited me to go with her to a party but I told her that I was meeting my wife and some friends and went on my way.
Finally met up with my other buddy and his lady friend at a hotel room in the Thompson LES. Felt like a third wheel so I bounced home. The next morning, found an email with a recipe for Chocolate Blackout cake.
I forget oftentimes that I still live in the same city as when I was single.

Location: about to run to the post office
Mood: hopeful
Music: if you’re free to make a choice, just look towards the west