If we fail, let’s fail greatly
Saw my friend Skinny tonight. He’s on his way to Japan to a new life.
I’m secretly a little jealous, but happy for him too.
Teddy Roosevelt once said that of the person who tries something bold and new:
at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.
I’m always impressed by who just pick up and go. Thought so many times about moving here or here. But I never did.
Don’t know why I don’t just get to the other side.
Until then, Skinny, if you meet a nice (non-pescatarian) Japanese girl, send her my way?
I’ll be here. I’m ever here.
Location: 10PM, yest., with friends
Mood: sotted
Music: What does this city have to offer me
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