business personal

Fancy meeting you here

I’m running into too many people I know

I’m away again.

After this past weekend, I’m actually slightly glad to be somewhere else.

I love my city, don’t get me wrong. But when you’ve lived in one place for, basically, your whole life, you’re bound to keep ending up at familiar places.

And running into old ghosts.

Him: So, are you a partner somewhere yet?
Me: Not so much. (pause) I’m writing, actually.
Him: Oh. That’s…cool. Are you and that girl married now?
Me: Well, she’s married. Not to me though. Kid any day now.
Him: Oh! (pause) Are you happy at least?
Me: (thinking) I’m happy in my head.

Location: 20 feet from the middle of nowhere
Mood: busy
Music: Who? I really wanna know Who are you?


Weekend Post

Had an interesting enough night to have to post about it

Don’t normally post over the weekend, but I just had the CRAZIEST night!

Met six women across two bars. Nice. Age appropriate. Just not my type. Just my luck.

Had a late night dinner with Hazel and L at the Shake Shack.

Went to another bar with Hazel where I met two more women. Nice. Not age appropriate. Just my type. Just my luck.

Now here’s the weird part. At the very end of the night, an old man grabs one of the women’s…stuff. But he’s old, I mean like 55+. Can’t hit an old man (not that I can fight) so I shove him. Hard.

He then tries to hit the girl! How sad is that? The bouncers go all over him.

He’s tossed outta the club. The girlies are all freaked out. I’m totally bewildered. I tell the girls, honestly, that it was nice meeting them and then we part ways.

Hazel and I hop a cab. Then we get into argument with cabbie! We bounce outta the cab. She and I grab some food, hop another cab and head home.

Now it’s 3:55 in the morning, Hazel’s passed out on my sofa, I’m munching on a gyro and wondering when my life became so weird.

This is only 50% of what happened but I’m beat.

Crazy right?

Only in NYC.

Location: 3AM, cab slowly going up Mad.
Mood: perplexed
Music: my life’s been – just a show


I could never take the place of your man

Met another women recently

My favourite line in Forrest Gump is when he goes, I’m not a smart man, but I know what love is. I thought about that with a girl I met up with recently and a girl I haven’t seen in a little while.

Her: Because I know.
Me: What do you mean?
Her: I know what it’s like when a guy’s crazy in love with me. I’ve had crazy love before, where I know, he’s only thinking of me. Now it’s the worst because I compare every guy to him. He’s ruined me. It’s my curse. Because now I know what it could be – what it should be… (after another half hour, I kissed her on the cheek and got up to go) You don’t have to go, you know.
Me: (laughing) We both know I do.

Been out and about a lot these days. It’s the luck of the draw. Just how it happens.

I wanted to tell you a happy story but tell me that these aren’t more interesting?

Location: 10PM, yest. on 75th with a pretty girl
Mood: sotted
Music: don’t waste your time, I know what’s on your mind


How much?

 It’s good not to have to worry about money for a bit

Me: Look, I’m sorry, I can’t go, I just got back Friday.
Client: You gotta go. We’ll pay you $XXXX.
Me: You’re not hearing me: (emphatically) I…just…got…wait…you’ll pay me how much?
Client: $XXXX.
Me: Total?
Client: Each.
Me: EACH!? EACH!? (pause) Do I have to kill someone?
Client: (pause) Um…not unless you wanna.

Just booked the flight. Each red rectangle you see above is an appointment. I’ll wear my happy face.

I’m tired but summer’s when I make most of the scratch I need for the year so I guess I gotta.

Eh…it’ll be good to not have to sweat coin for a bit.

I had an amazing weekend with some great stories and no time to sort it all out. I’ll tell you though. After I sort.

Was at a bar with El and some friends. Met a girl from Cali too, whom I guess I’ll just call Caligirl.

The bartender had a single orange so that I could have my usual poison. Ergo, you know I had a good night.

Location: here for now
Mood: hella beat
Music: middle of nowhere To the middle of my frustrated fears


My biggest fan

What is your definition of love?


Meant to post this a while ago but I thought it was too long. It’s my definition:

When I was 15, my best friend, Kevin, told me that my girl Diana cheated on me. We never spoke, I just shut her out. Stupid kid stuff.

Maybe a decade later, I drove by her home and, for some reason, I rang her doorbell. I expected her to slap me when she answered the door; instead, she let me in, gave me a smile and an apron. She had this huge bar of chocolate that she told me to chop for cookies.

So I went in and started chopping.

After a bit, I asked her, half-jokingly, what happened between us.

She stopped and answered:

You listened to Kevin but we both know that he was the first guy to ask me out after we broke up. So that makes you an idiot. I never cheated on you, you know that. I was your biggest fan. That makes me an idiot. You never stood up for me and I didn’t understand why, because I was kind to you. I was on your side but you weren’t on mine.

Why weren’t you?

I had no answer. Almost twenty years after the fact, I still have no answer. I don’t remember anything else but I remember what she said.

That conversation started me off in being who I am now. In fact, I learned the phrases biggest fan and on your side that day.

It’s why I’m always loyal.

You see, she doesn’t know, but I still wonder if No. 7 ever found that job under the California sun; I wanna call her office someday and hear that message that says she’s left the company she hates.

And I still wonder if Diana bought that ranch in Colorado that she dreamt of and has kids to help her make cookies. I wouldn’t know, though.

I never saw her again.

But I hope she got it all.

As for me, I’m waiting for someone to be on my side again.

Location: home
Mood: pensive
Music: But until then I’ll do just fine on my own

business personal

Aren’t you that jackass lawyer?

Met a fan of the show today

…course, if I make soup, I gotta freeze some and I’ve still got all those packs of mac ‘n cheese and veggie burgers. No, the chicken cutlets were the right call. They’re flat so…

Guy: Hey. Hey! HEY! DUDE!
Me: (stopping) Huh? Me?
Guy: Yeah. Dude, you’re that guy from that websitcom, right? 72nd something?
Me: (laughing) 72nd to Canal. Did you watch it?
Guy: Yeah, you’re that jackass lawyer guy, Lorin?
Me: I am that jackass lawyer guy. And my real name is Logan. Good eye.
Guy: Keep up the good work, I liked it.
Me: (shaking his hand) Thanks, man, really. That’s cool. (we walk away)

…I can keep them in fridge. Shoot, I gotta leave some bread out tonight for breadcrumbs. Guess I’ll make them tomorrow. I really gotta clean out my freezer. I wonder if…

Location: 8PM, yest., getting stopped on Broadway
Mood: peaceful
Music: Everybody gonna know me on Broadway


Joni Mitchell never lies

You don’t know what you got till it’s gone

I’m somewhere. Not elsewhere, I’m afraid. Just away. Here.

You know you’ve been traveling too much when you pull into a driveway and realize, Oh man, I’ve stayed here before.

Don’t even remember coming to Rochester before.

You don’t know it, but I’m sitting in my hotel room laughing to myself.

Spent a week here in this same hotel nine months ago. It was a strange time then. It’s strange again.

Sleep. Must sleep.

I’m coming back home tonight, I think. Losing track of time.

On a different note entirely, before I left, I found a shirt an ex left at my place.

Don’t it always seem to go, that you don’t know what you’ve got til it’s

Location: hotel room
Mood: drained
Music: I’m gone


Semper Fidelis

All bad things start from disloyalty


To continue from my last post, there’s this movie people either love or hate: Bride with White Hair. In it, the protagonist jokingly promised his chick that he would get her a flower one day that only bloomed once every twenty years on a snow-capped mountaintop. Later in the story, he betrays her.

To make amends, he sits in the snow, alone, in front of this plant for ten years, waiting for it to bloom. For her. Fool boy.

A friend recently gave me a drunken compliment: Logan’s got his issues but he’s f___ing loyal. If I was locked up in a cell in Panama and I had one call, he’d be it.

High praise.

See, anything bad that could happen starts with disloyalty, yeah?

Cheating, lying, stealing, it all starts from there. You can’t get there without being disloyal first.

The goods? Love, respect, trust – you can’t get there without being loyal first.

That’s why I’ve never cheated on anyone. It’s also why I never speak ill of anyone after we break up. At it’s most basic, it’s disloyal.

Unless the reason we broke up comes from disloyalty. Then, screw it. Screw them.

Yeah, I got my faults. I got a whole blog of faults. But what he said made my drunken night.

Cause the people that know me, they know I’d sit on a mountain top and wait. It might be a mountain of brick and mortar, but there I’d be.

Cause they know that I’m on their side. I’d wait.

And for my family, a good friend or a chick I loved, I’d never move.

Location: a bed with flowers on it
Mood: sick
Music: on this mountain thinking to myself You’re a fool boy
Site Meter

dating personal

Hanging with Nadi

Conversations with Nadya


Nadi: Oh god, why don’t you ever write about when you actually succeed?
Me: What’s the fun there? Met a girl, we hooked up, blah, blah, blah. There’s no story there. Plus, you know I don’t kiss and tell.
Nadi: At least put something there. It’s depressing otherwise.
Me: There’s a fine line between hopeless romantic womanizer and sleezeball player.
Nadi: But it always sounds like, “Oh poor sad sack Logan screwed up with another girl.”
Me: Maybe I’ll put up a 10-to-1 ratio of…wait…sad sack?
Nadi: A ratio might be…
Me: Sad sack?!
Nadi: Look, all I’m saying is…
Me: Whaddya mean, sad sack?! Do people feel sorry…

May be focusing too much at times. How’s your dating life going?

Me, I’m out and about. But I’m also waiting.

After some modicum of attraction, there is only ever two things any relationship needs, and neither one of these things is love.

The two things are loyalty and fun. Everything good comes from these two.

Everything bad comes from when one or both are missing.

If you find someone with these three things, you’re doing well.

But more on that later. Right now, gotta catch a plane.

Location: in Queens, packing
Mood: full & sick
Music: When we were close I’ll remember these things the most

business personal

You just what?

I’m going someplace not fun

Was out with Nadi the other night and I met this pretty girlie.

Her: We should go to the Met or something the next time I’m in town.
Me: Sure. Where you going?
Her: Upstate. I’m staying with the rents over summer break. I just finished my first year in college.
Me: (surprised) You just what? How old do you think I am? And how old are you?
Her: 19. Why? How old are you? 26?
Me: (pause) Not even close, darling.

Eyes. I’m a sucker for a set of pretty eyes.

Well, it’s nice knowing I look young.

Spoke to Nadi earlier and I’ll post our conversation in the morning or afternoon before I step onto the plane.

I’m going somewhere not fun.

Location: at my desk, coughing
Mood: sick
Music: said you love me and that’s a fact Then you left me