Just happy to be invited
I write about my college friends with regularity here and have since the very beginning.
We don’t actually see each other as a group all that often – much more often one-on-one – but we all come together when we can.
And when we must.

Never went to Alison’s and barely survived my dad’s.
But, as the years go on, I find myself at them more and more often.
One of our core group’s parents passed away the other day.
Him: Can you make it?
Me: Of course I’ll be there.
So, we all met up and went to the funeral together.
One guy drove in all the way from Virginia just to pay his respects.
After a spell, we stepped out to get a drink…
…before heading out for food.
The details aren’t in my story to tell, so lemme pivot and just tell you that I count myself quite lucky that I have these people in my life.
You never really think of the value of good friends when you’re a kid and only realize it when the time comes to need good friends.
Him: Logan – always thinking of food.
Me: This is, sadly, so very true.
I have a running joke with the fellas where, no matter how many times I’m invited out, I always say, “I’m finally invited to something!”
Been doing that for over 30 years with them but the reason I say that is that I’m genuinely always happy to just be included.
As a kid growing up with zero friends, it’s nice that to belong somewhere.
What is life if not looking for where we belong? Who our tribes are?
And the tribe always shows up when needed.
Couldn’t stay the whole night because I had to get the kid from a school event, but it was so good seeing everyone, despite the circumstances.
Me: (to buddy that came from Virginia) You gotta come up more often than once every 20 years.
Him: I’ll come back.
Me: Yeah, please. Under much better circumstances.
Location: earlier today, a tenant’s apartment on the second floor, trying to figure out if I needed to bleed the radiator
Mood: grateful
Music: We’ve been through this such a long long time, just tryin’ to kill the pain (Spotify)
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