
2014 YEAR IN REVIEW / Changing my trajectory

FB’s been pushing a Year in Review for me all week. Joke’s on them: I do my own year in review. Here’s some of the nuthin I’ve done.

The accumulative choices we make in life shapes us the most

Man on Pier in Bermuda

FB’s been showing me my stupid mug for over a week now trying to get me to spam you with my Year in Review.

Joke’s on them: I do my own year in review.

Sunset at sea

This author named Charlie Jones said that You are the same today that you’ll be five years from now except for two things: the people you meet and the books you read.

I disagree. Every little thing we do throughout the year makes subtle changes in our lives that alter its trajectory and make us more broken or more bendy. Some a little, some a lot.

Here are all the little things that I did in 2014 that changed that trajectory, even if only a little bit. I:

Nothing major – at least nothing I can talk about.

Because there are private joys and pain that we all go though and the internet is rarely a good place to put either, I think.

I am really grateful, though, for my family and friends who makes the rough patches not quite so rough. Most of all for my wife.

Her: Did we say, “Until death do us part?”
Me: I think we said death or seven years, whichever comes first.
It’s like Hemingway said, Gradually then suddenly.
Now it’s suddenly almost 2015. Like always, I hope that its good for all of us.

Graffiti covered wall NYC 2013

Under Manhattan Bridge

Central Park in Spring NYC 2014

Logan Lo and Paolo Brion

Location: home
Mood: hopeful
Music: there’s a thousand little things to rub the dust from off my wings

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One reply on “2014 YEAR IN REVIEW / Changing my trajectory”

I couldn’t stand FB’s pushy Year in Review – I, of course, refused to do it. As if what I put on FB reflects my personal life and all that broken & bendy action that’s gone down! I love how you put that…I am already pondering what actions made me bendy and otherwise. *cringe*

I really like your review, and kinda’ wish I did my own. My blog’s bilingual and more about travel – and I do not want to translate my personal story into French either! I’ve been silently reviewing things to myself; how nice to get it down (and have links to boot!).

Wishing you a fantastic 2015! Great photos.

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