My Big Head
My brother’s in town and, despite him being on a carb-free diet too, we both indulged because the Gymgirl’s away so that means a break from the diet.
Him: Ok…just one slice.
Me: …maybe two. We’ll see. I mean, if the kid doesn’t finish his, I gotta, right?
Thought of Gradgirl recently because I got into a discussion with someone about the book Getting to Yes. It’s one of my faves.
Went through it with Gradgirl for one of her electives; there’s a part that goes something like, You don’t want to win your argument, you want to get your way.
Essentially, the book was saying that people want to win an argument to the point that they lose sight of what they truly wanted in the first place.
In fact, the full name of the book is: Getting to Yes, Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In. – I bolded the last part, because the last part is the “getting your way” part.
For example, I hate Trump. But I want him to succeed, because if he’s successful, the country’s successful. Those that want him to fail miss out on the bigger point that we, as a country, fail if he fails.
He’s still a(n enormous) douchebag, but that’s neither here nor there.
Anywho, I mentioned wanting to get my way with my friend who looks at this line of thinking like some sort character defect on my part.
It’s because he never read Getting to Yes. To him, the only way for me to win, is for some other party to lose. Evidently, he’s never heard of win-win.
See, I told him that I was going to install a signal repeater for my sister – and me so I could record some shows – but my sister told me she didn’t need or want one.
But I was just going to install it anyway since I measured the signal strength and I knew she was one storm away from it totally failing on her one day.
Anywho, I never got around to getting it set up and she just wrote me last week that her antenna failed, which I knew it would.
Had I installed it, we both woulda gotten what we wanted; television. Instead, neither of us have it now – it’s pure lose-lose. The earliest I can head out to her is a few weeks from now.
Of course, all this is in theory.
The reality of negotiation breaks down when your major daily adversary’s a three-year old, who has no issue with playing dirty.
Son: This has spinach. I don’t want it.
Me: But it’s *mostly* egg with just a little spinach. Don’t you want to grow up big and strong? Just try…
Him: No! (pause) You have a big, big head.
Me: What?! Where did that come from?
Him: (laughing) You have a big, big head. (points at my head)
Me: Why are you saying that?
Him: Because…you have a big, big head. (laughs)
Me: (grumble, eats spinach eggs)
Location: yesterday, running around with friends
Mood: understanding
Music: I can’t do this again, do this again
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