[The shooter] was the last person I would’ve expected to do something like this.
Another school shooting.
Remember where I was at the first one; was in my law journal office in law school when a blonde stuck her head in and asked everyone, Did y’hear the news? Some things stay with you.
In any case, the above quote is from a young man interviewed by GMA the day after this Monday’s shooting.
Isn’t that what you *always* hear after a school shooting or some other great tragedy. What does that tell us?
It’s tells us that people have no idea what other people are capable of.
We all have our three lives, yeah? Our public lives, our private lives, and our secret lives. They’re the three faces we all wear and it’s our private and secret faces that people find surprising.
My boss recently read my book and I think – because of all of murder, mayhem, and cursing – that, while he enjoyed it, it took him by surprise.
My writing’s parta my private life, I guess. As for my secrets, we all have them and I’m no different. Suppose that everyone thinks that what we do by our lonely makes us better people.
But y’never can tell until the day comes that you show the world your other faces if that’s actually true.
As for me, always assume that people are capable of anything, both for good and evil.
To live any other way’s a sucker’s bet.
Location: tonight, church
Mood: artistic
Music: life goes on. As I bail through tha empty halls