Woman after I hold door for her: Good to see chivalry’s not dead in NYC.
Me: I wasn’t being chivalrous, ma’am. I was being polite.
integrity means that you’re the same person in public as y’are in private. In other words, it’s being internally consistent. And consistent with my concept of what a real man is, I feel that chivalry’s an outdated concept.
Its basic tenet’s that women are weak, different, and need special treatment.
I disagree. It’s the same reason that I won’t buy a woman a drink but I’ll buy my friends drinks.
There’s this woman I know who’s ultra-feminist but feels men should always hold the door for women.
Me: Why? Because they’re weak?
Her: No, just because they’re supposed to.
Me: So they should stay home and take care care of the kids? Because they’re supposed to?
Her: That’s different.
Put another way: I don’t believe that we should lower our behaviour for half the population so much as we should raise our behaviour for all of the population.
One should hold doors for others because it’s the polite thing to do, not because someone has two X-chromosomes insteada one.
But it cuts both ways. That same friend is incensed by wage differences between men and women but doesn’t feel a woman should fight in the army.
I think that when a woman is held up to the same standards of men, they rise to the occasion.
For better or worse.
Coach: Don’t be easy on her, she’s tough!
Me (beginning to wrestle with female teammate): I won’t be…
Her: (slams knee on my stomach)
Location: looking out at the rain
Mood: relaxed
Music: She can do the same thing to the clique you know