That was a non-alcoholic beer. No, I have no explanation for it.
Me: Your batteries are low. You should always be charging something.
Her: If you had an autobiography, you should call it that.
Me: What was the other I said that you said would be a good title for me?
Her: “I’m full of ham and other late night confessions.”
We wake up later than we thought we would but this is because, after four days, I finally get six uninterrupted hours of sleep. I wake up and see that my hands are steady once again.
We walk out the door and head over to the cathedral, which is on the next block.
The tours are closed so we pay for a viewing of their replica of the Shroud of Turin. Yes, it’s a replica. But it was the only way to see the inside of the church.
They tell us not to take pictures and I say that I won’t take pictures of the exhibit. And I don’t take pictures of the exhibit.

We end up going to another tapas place.
Her: OK, this is nice.
Me: (looking up) I’ll stand guard for birds.
We order almost exactly what we had the other day but this time, it was without bird poop.
The tapas, it turns out, are much better without bird poop. Good advice for life in general.

We wake up early and pick up food at the local bakery again. It’s so early that they don’t have much prepared so I wait for them to make me a sandwich.
A few hours later, we’re in a cab to the airport, and soon on a flight back to Dublin. We get off and I’m starving so we pick up some food at the food court.

More accurately, I pick up some food at the food court but soon regret my, admittedly, random choices.
Me: Perhaps having a burger, fries, yoghurt, dates, coffee, and an errant cashew right before a transatlantic flight wasn’t the best idea.
Her: You think?
We eventually make it onto our flight home and I spend a little time writing these entries.
It’s late when the plane lands at JFK. We forget that customs is always a bear. But eventually that’s over and a really nice hack gets us home relatively fast.
Some 18 hours after we begin our trip home, we get home.
Her: We’re home!
Me: Sweet! Let me check on Harold.
Harold is obviously upset we went away as he says nothing and he gives me the silent treatment even now.
Still, that aside, it’s good to be home. And now, work.

Location: home, getting dressed for the office
Mood: busy
Music: took what they offered me To set me free