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72nd to Canal Episode 1 – Part 2

Let’s have a code, you and I

Met a nice girl recently. She lives…quite far away. Thus, no shiny future for the two us. Sad, really.

Still, another pretty friend in the world is nothing to shake a stick at.

And we both know that I’m the type of guy just that’ll just up and go someday.

Let’s have a code, you and I; should I ever just leave suddenly, I’ll post Gone Fishing!

Nothing else.

Then you’ll know.

You’ll know I cashed in those miles, packed my bags, sold the car, gave away Harold and the fish, and left. I’d be elsewhere.

Actually, I’d bring Harold.

I think he’d like to see the world too.

Location: nowhere special
Mood: cloudy
Music: I’m tired of whys choking on whys Just need a little because
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72nd to Canal Episode 1 – Part 1

Out and about every night

Going to post a lot this week because of 72nd to Canal. If you can help us pimp it out in any way, that’d be much appreciated.

Above is Episode 1, part 1 – the rest are coming along.

Had quite the weekend; I was out every night except for Sunday. Saturday, I was at the same roof-deck, with the same friends as in one of my very first posts. Wow, I was chatty then. No rum, so I got a little sick. That, and I think I ate my body weight in carbs.

Sunday, I ran into an old friend I’d not seen in years after church. He’s the fourth guy I know going through a breakup. Must be something in the NYC water supply.

Or maybe, like I thought, it’s just spring cleaning.

I was wrong, this summer is a lot like last summer.

This week, I’ve got plans every night single night of the week. Some professional, mostly just social.

Well, at least I’m not bored.

Location: my own apartment, thankfully
Mood: exhausted
Music: I can’t seem to get you off my mind
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72nd to Canal Launched!

Went on a date and launched 72nd to Canal

(c) Veanne Cao

72nd to Canal is UP!

I’m going to have YouTube links to the site for Monday’s post, I’m just too beat today. I’ll tell you why later.

If you help us pimp the show, by linking, forwarding, emailing, whatnot, that’d be greatly appreciated.

Had dinner with a woman I had met a few times in the past the other night.

I was just meeting up as friends; I don’t know if she had other plans but things worked themselves out on their own.

Me: (ring, ring) Hello, this is Logan.
Her: (…) Do you know who this is?
Me: Um, hello?
Her: You didn’t program my number in?
Me: (long pause) Um…no.

Dinner was cold.

The food was fine.

The dinner itself was cold.

Location: my own blue bed
Mood: pleased
Music: now, overcast days never turned me on
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 The man in the mirror

The show’s coming out tomorrow so I’ll post again this weekend or today.

Back in the day, my ex hated that mirror so I put it away. As luck would have it, I had just brought it out, dusted it off and put it up when she arrived last Sunday.

I spoke to the girl with eyes like faded jeans today who sent me back my jacket in the crumpled pink box in the picture. I’m disappointed because I thought it might be something but it turned out to be nothing.

We broke up twice before and each time, she felt I moved on too quickly. This time, I waited and made sure this is what she wanted. Yes.

We broke up because of an argument. I learned the hard way that it’s better to have honest disagreements than pretty lies. She wants someone who doesn’t argue with her and I guess that’s possible but I can’t see how real a relationship that could be.

Her past relationships have been rough on her and now I think I know why. Easy is fake; hard is real. Such is life.

I was going to tell her when I reconsidered. She would have just disagreed with me and that’s a losing bet. She’s not my girl anymore.

Me? I met up with a girl who’s leaving town. She loved a brown-eyed man on the other side of the world and I loved a blue-eyed girl on the other side of NYC.

We’re perfect for each other – except that we’re not.

With enough rum, we are and that’s good enough for the time being.

Looking back at all my posts this week, you must think I’m conceited. My friends always catch me staring at myself in mirrors. I’m not staring because I’m vain. I’m staring because I’m always surprised.

Because, in my head, I don’t look like that at all.

In my head, I look like this.

Location: @1AM, doing the Standard in some UWS bar
Mood: sotted
Music: gonna make a change, for once in my life

business personal

You’re kidding me / PB&J

My Ex stopped by and peeked into my fridge

A bachelor's refridgerator

Got a gig to go to fancy dinners and chat with rich people.

Him: You really don’t know? They want you because of how you look.
Me: (surprised) You’re kidding me. What about my resume?
Him: (shrugging) Didn’t even look at it. You’re meeting Ed Koch on Wednesday. Free up your nights, wear a suit and don’t bring a date. Oh…don’t get fat.

After a breakup, I tend to get hit on more. Even Gio noticed people looking at me tonight. I think it’s the lack of sleep, plus, I don’t eat much when I’m single. It’s nice but my hands are shaking again.

I’m usually the icebreaker of my friends. Some of them (not Gio) “love” the women I’m with but the moment I’m single, they tell me things like, “Oh, I never liked her,” to get me back in the scene.

Ugh. I hate that. I hate gossip folk.

My exes weren’t perfect but I was with them for a reason.

Speaking of which, The Ex stopped by unexpectedly on Sunday night to pick up some of her things.

For some reason, she looked in the fridge. All it had was protein shakes, rum and PB&J. She laughed when she opened up the freezer and saw the Mac & Cheese and all the veggie burgers.

Wish I could tell you something terribly interesting happened when she was here. She looked amazing. But I’d be lying.

You know, I could survive on protein shakes, rum and PB&J.

Maybe even just the rum.

Location: @8PM, my favorite dive bar w/Gio
Mood: irritated
Music: Then I’ll just be waiting here right here


Time and Tide

Couldn’t take it any other way

(c) Aki Muira

This is a mixture of two recent conversations I had, one of which was Caligirl:

Her: I heard you’re seeing her again.
Me: (joking) You’re late. As usual.
Her: What happened?!
Me: I’d rather not say, it’s complicated.
Her: Oh I’m sorry. (pause) She’s come back before – twice, right?
Me: You never know, though I’m sure she’s out and about with her backup plan. It’s ok, she knows that I’m nobody’s careful consideration.
Her: I think it’s not as important that someone leaves; it’s more important that there’s something about you that the person misses enough to come back for.
Me: (laughing) If she did come back, it’d probably just be because she forgot something.
Her: (exasperated) Why is everything a joke?
Me: (pause) I couldn’t take it any other way.

It was a beautiful day. Made some scratch, took a weird gig, got hit on a few times, had some rum – the usual spring twirl.

I’m disappointed but still hopeful.

Because you can never tell what time and tide brings.

Location: @5PM, the UES, thinking
Mood: insanely busy
Music: I will be your storm at seas And I’ll be your sharp intake (Spotify)

business personal

72nd to Canal Premier

All in all, everything went well

Logan Lo and Akira Bryson
(c) Cindy Lee – this pic and the one in my pictures section are the only good photos I got (send me some if you’ve got)

Despite the weather and a few hiccups ahead of time, the show went well. All-in-all, I was surprised at who came and who didn’t. Quite an eye-opener.

Still, we had laughs, we had rum, what could be bad? OK, I did send a drunken text to Blue Jean Eyes, but besides that, what could be bad? (Oh, like you’ve never done that).

Wish I had more pictures but I was far too comfortably numb to remember to take any.

We’re still working on editing the show somewhat for public distribution on Saturday so please do check in with us then?

Was thinking about my post from yesterday. You know, even if I did take this blog down and delete everything I could, I’ve still got all the online stuff I’ve done with Rain. I’d have to kill him to erase everything about me.

And we all know that I’d be the first guy the rollers would look for if he had any type of “accident.”

On that note, if anything ever happens to me, look for someone that looks like this:

Yeah…that’s the guy, officer.
That’s the guy.

Location: @8:45PM, going 80 on the 495
Mood: busy
Music: boy Why don’t you go down Find somebody Find somebody else


It doesn’t matter

If you don’t know where you want to go, it doesn’t matter what road you take

Traffic sign in Flushing Queens, NY.

One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree.
“Which road do I take?” she asked.
“Where do you want to go?” was his response.
“I don’t know,” Alice answered.
“Then,” said the cat, “it doesn’t matter.”

Had quite the weekend because of the show but that’s tomorrow’s entry.

So I considered locking this blog and or not writing anymore, but then again, rum and women notwithstanding, I live a fairly boring life.

I’m surprised you’re still here.

Decided to continue writing as usual. Pretty much made all my choices and so much of my life is out there already. It’s like putting toothpaste back into a tube. Anyway, writing is for public consumption. Anything else, and you’re just a nutcase with a notebook. Here’re my thoughts:

  • Regarding potential women, we both know that my love life’s a train wreck all on its own, with or without this blog.
  • Regarding past women, there’s a reason they and I live separate lives. After some thinking, I’m assuming that since they want no part of my life, why would they read about it?*
  • Regarding employment, I’ve essentially not had a real job since 1999. Why start now?

While I’m writing about the show tomorrow, I gotta mention that Furison came and said that I was absurdly hot. This brings the total number of times, I’ve been called that to…1. She said other nice things about 72nd to Canal but, let’s be honest, I only saw absurdly hot and eye-candy mainstay.

Her comments on my pictures do shed light to this blog entry; oh well, it’s still not a bad way to start the week.

Not a bad way at all.

*Coincidentally, I just had a woman from my past visit me – I guess I’ll have write about that later too.

Location: 7:30PM Yest, standing in church by myself
Mood: surprised
Music: the finish line’s a good place we could start


My real life

 Have I blinked and missed it all?

Logan Lo in Prague
Reading by the Vltava river, two years ago.

The show’s tomorrow but I’m in the attic of my mind right now, putting stuff away.

I spent 34 years waiting for my real life to begin.

Now, I’m worried that I’ve blinked and missed it.

I’ll be back writing on Monday.

I think.

1:26:32 AM
Location: yest. @ 2PM, an office, getting another job offer I’ll never take
Mood: nostalgic
Music: Any minute now my ship is coming in

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(Not) Back in the picture

Some breakups take longer than others

Blue Jean Eyes and I were orbiting for a bit more but I didn’t mention it because I wasn’t sure how it’d shake out. Turns out I was right; fifteen days later, we’re total strangers.

Suppose that’s just how it goes.


There’s a new book called Send which basically says, think twice before you do anything online as once it’s up, it’s there forever. This is turning out to be very disturbingly true:

I did work for a short film, Cycle, years ago. Apparently it’s being shown someplace because I got a email from a girl asking me if I was the same Logan Lo.

Someone else said that she read about me from a random article in a local paper.

Just Googled my name and this blog showed up.

Getting a sinking feeling that if I ever look for a job (or a chick), I’m screwed.

I should re-think this blog, maybe…

Location: @3PM yest., Walker & 6th Ave
Mood: uncomfortable
Music: angel in disguise Chinese-speaking girlfriend big brown eyes