I’m a slow learner
Do you remember when I told you that I had my fridge repaired almost exactly a year ago?
Welp, it broke again. Last time around, it was the water dispenser, this time around it was the ice maker.
I did some research and it turns out that most modern icemakers in fridges attach via only one or two screws and a single power cable. My particular model attaches with only one screw and one cable.
You can see the screw on the left in the middle attached to the fridge, and the cable on the right, attached to the power.
So, I decided to order the part and try to fix it myself.
20 minutes after it arrived, it was installed. Fastest repair I’ve ever done.
Don’t understand people that don’t like to fix things themselves because it’s like a real life puzzle with tangible rewards at the end.
If anything, I try to fix too many things that I should just toss.
Sometimes, it takes me a while to realize that something’s broken beyond repair. I’m a slow learner but I do eventually learn.
Speaking of tangible rewards, the Scenic Fights guys want me shirtless in our next shoot so I’m back on a strict diet for the next 45 days.
But my physical therapist was having a party with pizza and I figured it was worth it to have one last night of carbs in the form of beer and pizza.
Several people from my gym came by so that was fun – especially since several people from my gym decided to do some human tricks.
It was all pretty entertaining. I probably had a lot more pizza than I shoulda.
His office is right around the Gamergirl so I was tempted to give her a ring just to catch up but then The Counselor hit me up with what I thought was an emergency.
And it was, in a manner of speaking. She found an unwanted guest in her Manhattan apartment: A stink bug.
I found our conversation pretty hilarious and figured you might as well.
The Counselor went to DC for work not soon afterward (and potentially stayed at the same hotel that Alison and I did, which was kinda a kick in the head) so she’s hoping at the bug made it way out and is happy somewhere in Central Park.
We should all get to visit pretty ladies in Manhattan at night and go to Central Park the next day.
Location: earlier today, asking a pretty blonde to get lost
Mood: hangry…very hangry
Music: I’m sorry for being broken (Spotify)
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