I started this blog all those years ago to just have an outlet for writing and as a place to put all these thoughts I have rattling around my head.
Turning 42 last week means that I have about 12,410 days left here and there are things I want to do and write about before those days run out. Which means less time for this here blog.
There’s just not enough time.
So this is my last regular entry here. There might be others, I’m not sure, right now, though, this is my last one.
But I want to leave you with something silly that you probably never thought about:
You can see you nose, you just choose not to see it.
You see it now, don’t you? And you will for several minutes before it disappears again. And throughout this day, you’ll notice it, forget it once again, notice it, forget it, until you forget it completely.
That is how most things are in our lives.
Things that are so a part of our lives that we don’t see them any more. The people, the experiences. We make them disappear. I walked by a beautiful waterfall every single day for years in college and never noticed it.
I live in the heart of Manhattan but rarely notice it.
Sometimes it’s a good thing. The major impetus for this blog was a bad breakup that has completely disappeared from my mind until I wrote this.
So I leave you with this thought: You see a million things every single day – literally, not figuratively – but you only notice one or two. This is by design.
I realized writing this blog, that it helped me separate signal from noise; to choose what I deemed noteworthy and what was not. Syd helped.
We all get to choose what matters to us, what we allow to affect us.
This blog was about all the things I’ve noticed about my little slice of the world and I wanted you to see them too. Because I thought they were worthy of note. Even thought it was mostly about nuthin.
Anywho, I wanted to say, Thanks for reading – for listening – to alla this nuthin.
There’s a line from You’ve Got Mail that goes, all this nothing has meant more to me than so many somethings.
I’ll still be around on Facebook, Twitter from time-to-time, and Instagram regularly if I can swing it.
Harold’s not with me anymore so it’s just the wife and me.
And we’ve gone fish’n…
Location: away, but still here
Mood: nostalgic
Music: heartbroken cause I can’t see further than my own nose at this moment
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