That’s misleading
Her: So, you have allergies but you decided to bring in a ton of pollen producing plants into your home? If you two aren’t together any more, why don’t you get rid of them?
Me: (shrugging) I’ve grown accustomed to them. Plus, while it’s awful for me, hopefully, the boy will grow up with pollen and won’t get allergies. That’s the hope, anywho.
Back when Mouse was staying here, her health took a nosedive which broke my heart. Still does, TBH. But that’s neither here nor there.
We couldn’t figure out why – it turned out that my apartment is ridonk dry, with winter humidity levels in the teens but, I didn’t know that then – and thought it was maybe the air quality.
So, to this end, I started getting alla these air-purifying plants.
While she’s not been here in years, I kept alla the plants alive (mostly) and even started adding to the plant collection.
Now have two avocado trees, one of which is supposed to do well in apartments and fruit,…
…two blueberry shrubs, a snake plant, several ZZ plants, a spider plant from my friends at Evolution, one tomato plant, and a ton of scallions.
And, of course, I still have Harold.
Always wanted a fig tree and my mom was going to give me one, but it turns out that you actually need wasps to pollinate them so I’ll just have to content myself with figs from my mom.
Maybe I’ll try growing some strawberries?
So far, only the tomato plant has borne any fruit but I was thrilled to have them and made a sandwich with them just the other day.
It goes back to me liking to fix and build things myself. There’s just something about consuming – literally and figuratively – something you made yourself.
Speaking of fixing things, I’ve been fixed up about six or seven times in the past few months.
More if you count people like the French Dancer and Pharmacist that just randomly end up in my orbit.
I don’t write about most of them because the people that set me up are friends of mine that think well of me, so the last thing I want to do is gossip about the friends that they send to me.
Besides, everyone’s been lovely just…not really my speed for a number of reasons. Let’s just blame it all on me and my particularity, for the sake of brevity.
The funny thing is that, despite this blog detailing my pretty ridonkulous dating life, people continue to try to set up their friends with me.
I can only imagine that it’s pretty awful out there if I’m a top contender.
Still, hope springs eternal…
Her: I told her you were a lawyer.
Me: That’s misleading. I’m essentially an unemployed single-parent that spends most of his time rolling around with sweaty dudes.
Her: Don’t lead with that.
Me: Noted.
Her: Also, don’t mention the blog. God, why do you even have that thing?
Location: earlier tonight, the gym, trying to rip off my ex’s foot – she was trying to do the same, but better
Mood: hangry, of course
Music: Let’s make believe that we can fly (Spotify)
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