I can’t do this
Gonna try and be more careful about updating this blog. But it’s what I do.
Figure that, once the boy gets to be a certain age, I’ll have to take it down. But, until then, I’ll just tell you about the nonsense that is my life.
On that note, I’ve been meeting…myself, lately.
For example, I met a woman with a young son. Her husband died on a motorcycle, hit by a log truck.
Every time we talked, she spoke of her husband, and I spoke of Alison.
I never really appreciated how giving Mouse was with her patience and ear when it came to Alison. But that’s a post for another time, I suppose.
As for this woman, I knew I wasn’t her fella. And I wanted to tell her that I couldn’t be her guy because the weight of her loss and my loss would be too much for either of us to bear.
But she actually beat me to it.
I’m sorry, Logan, for you losses. But I’m trying to be ok – for me and my son – and I don’t think I can do this. I’m sorry.
I felt such a relief, I can’t tell you.
And I felt guilty that I felt that relief.
But the shadow of death does just that: Shadows us. Even if you don’t know it yet, she does.
I know because Shawn came by my kali class around the way and afterward…
Him: Do you wanna get a drink?
Me: Sure. There’s a place around the way I used to go to all the time.
While there, I met a girl named Lake who was traveling to Arizona the next day.
Me: What’s in Arizona, Lake?
Her: My best friend’s sister.
Me: (laughing) But not your best friend?
Her: (long pause) No. She died.
Me: Well, I guess we’re trading our sad stories then.
Shawn left early and she and I continued our conversation. It was fun, but dark.
Like me. Fun Logan.
Still, when it came to darkness, I wasn’t prepared for the Heiress.
I’ve never met an Heiress before. Prior to her, Caligirl was probably the wealthiest girl I’ve ever dated, but the Heiress was/is an…heiress. And a Harvard educated doctor, to boot.
But I’m guessing she’d trade it all to have her family again.
Me: What happened to them, if you don’t mind my asking?
Her: They all died. My husband and my twins.
Me: Holy shit.
It went even darker than that – far darker, if you can believe it – but I suppose that’s enough darkness for one night.
Sorry, I guess not.
Because another girl I’ll call the Shrink told me about a friend of hers that just died two days ago from a drug overdose.
All this happened in the span of about five days after my last horror.
What madness.
There’s always more than enough darkness to go around, isn’t there?
And it puts everything else into perspective.
Paul: Are you ok, Logan?
Me: OK is a relative term. But yes, I think I’m OK.
Location: earlier today, Williamsburg, trying to break someone’s leg
Mood: dark, but hopeful
Music: people bowed and prayed to the neon god they made (Spotify)
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