Maybe someday I’ll move from here
Last week was a bevy of activity because a tenant in my building found bedbugs in his unit.
Because I still manage the building, I was involved with the process every step of the way. That was annoying and a massive time suckage for me. So, despite having a number of meetings with clients and the usual workload, I kept having to run back home to handle hysterical owners and irritated tenants.
It’s enough to make me think of moving to the burbs – in fact, I dropped an email to my old college buddy who bought into the building with me years ago, but later moved out of the city.
He says he has no regrets.
Thankfully, the building’s bedbug situation was resolved fairly quickly so I was back in a New York (City) state of mind.
Still, we do talk about it, the wife and I. Maybe someday leaving the concrete jungle for some green grass and shade. But then we’d probably find ourselves with just each other. Which might not be a bad thing.
Me: Don’t be silly, I love everything about you.
Wife: Tell the truth.
Me: I love most things about you.
Her: There you go.
Location: a building without bedbugs
Mood: relieved
Music: folks like to get away, take a holiday from the neighborhood