Are you Logan?
While walking the other day…
Him: Hey, are you Logan?
Me: Who wants to know?
Him: Hey man, I’m just a ScenicFights fan.
Me: Get outta town!
Interestingly, it happened pretty much exactly where someone else recognized me for 72nd to Canal, about fourteen years ago(!).
And, in a decade, I’ve gone from being a corporate lawyer lecturing in front of the Paris Bar to being known as the guy explaining why you can’t unzip another human being with a hammer.
Wonder what Alison and my dad woulda thought of alla this.
It’s pretty wild but if you go to the last Scenic Fights video that went up, you’ll see that Chad made a cool little (improvised) call-to-action, where he basically tells the audience that, for their entertainment, he will put me in a triangle choke, essentially by putting his crotch in my face.
In less than a week, we increased our subscribers by 6,000+ to 116,000, and garnered close to 1,300 comments, the vast majority of which were sending me condolences.
To paraphrase our producer, if there was ever a masterclass given for calls-to-action, Chad would be mentioned for his.
Check out the comments, cause some of them are hilarious.
Decided that I wasn’t going to accept any more setups because they’ve always been a disaster. Always. Since I was a kid.
Me: I could give you the line that it’s not you, it’s me, but I feel that’s unnecessary.
Her: Yeah, it’s you.
Me: (nodding) Fair.
A friend of mine asked me how I met so many women in my life so I told him. Now, he’s on a tear like I’ve never seen – you would not believe it if I told you.
Actually, maybe you would…
One thing I did ask him, though, was to stick with some of my rules; the second of which is brutal honesty and the first of which is: Leave people better off having met us than not.
In other words, we’re not trying to hurt anyone. But I think I’m breaking that rule myself.
For example, the girl I went on that date with last week stayed on my mind all week but it’s a lot more complex than that.
So, I need to figure some things out before I start involving other people in the mess I call my life.
Speaking of messes and brutal honesty, the kid lied twice recently.
Once about practicing his instrument and once about scribbling on the walls. Regarding the latter, it was obvs it was him because I’m 48 and my scribbling on the wall days are long past. He denied both at first but then admitted to them.
Me: I’d rather you tell the truth, even if it’s something bad.
Him: Why? You’ll be mad.
Me: Having someone mad at you is ok as long as you’re honest. “Trust is the coin of the realm. Everything else is details.” (George Shultz.)
Him: What does that mean?
Me: It means that if you’re someone that people trust, people will always accept you. Everyone wants to be with people they can trust.
I have a packed schedule all week. I’m:
- training two groups of corporate people in self-defense/kali
- having two private training sessions
- helping a buddy work on his audition reel
- trying to find some time to head to the law firm
- childrearing as per use
- helping a buddy with his business idea
- trying to see about a girl
All of that stems from people trusting me to get the job done.
On the plus side, it’s nice that so many people want me to help them with things. On the negative side, there are only so many hours in the day.
Me: Lies are complex. Truth is simple. All things being equal, the more you lie, the more complex your life becomes. The more you tell the truth, the simpler your life becomes.
Him: I’ll won’t lie again.
Me: (laughing) You will. It’s the nature of people and we’re people. But, if you do lie about something, make sure it’s worth the cost of the lie and the subsequent complexity you’ve introduced into your life.
Him: I don’t understand.
Me: You will. I’ll make sure you understand.
Location: in front of a stack of weapons. A stack.
Mood: violent and busy
Music: I can wait for you (if you want me to) (Spotify)
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