And got my vaccine – all in the same weekend
Dropped the boy off with my in-laws last week so they could spend some time with him, both of them having gotten the vaccine. It also meant that I could catch up on a whole buncha things.
While there, I had some fish and seafood, neither of which were a good idea due to the gout but I did it anyway.
Arriving home, I literally hit the gym every opportunity I could.
I also had been trying to get the vaccine myself and ended up getting one last minute at 11AM for 2PM a few blocks from BrightBea’s place.
I contemplated dropping her a line but decided against it (again). It was a one hour 45 minute trip from my pad to there.
Because it was in the middle of nowhere, I took my scooter but the cop at the front of the hospital told me I couldn’t bring it in. Not knowing what else to do, I convinced the guy running the coffee cart outside to watch it for me for 10 bucks.
Him: I’m leaving in exactly 30 minutes, at 2:45. You need to be here by then.
Me: I’ll try my best, thanks!
You can see the cart behind me in this picture below.
I dashed upstairs and ended up being the first in line. Immediately after I checked in – about 5 minutes – I turned around to see that the line was easily 10-15 deep after me. So, I lucked out.
The nurse was sweet but chatty. I just wanted to get going. At 2:37:
Her: You’re all set.
Me: Great, I gotta run downstairs.
Her: No, honey, you gotta sit for 15 minutes.
I explained to her my situation and she sighed.
Her: Can you stay until 2:40? Three minutes.
Me: You got a deal, lady.
At exactly 2:40, I ran downstairs and made it just in time.
Him: Hello, my friend! Congratulations on your shot!
Felt pretty good afterward so I hit up my kali class after teaching a quick private. Pez, Panda, Shawn, and Iron Chef all came to my Friday kali class and I saw three out of the four of them the very next day for jits.
While there, I ended up chatting with my buddy Miller, who always gives me good parenting advice, as well as Jay, who got a promotion.
Later on, met up with Chad, MJ, Pez, and IronChef for drinks around the way and made some new acquaintances.
Her: Mary. And my brother’s name is Logan, too.
Me: He must be pretty cool. Not that I am but I’m hoping to grow into the name.
Also spoke to a tall blonde wearing a red leather jacket in the bar.
Me: Have you ever heard of aposematism?.
Her: I’m sorry, what?
On the way back, we remarked how interesting it was that marijuana was now legal in NYC.
I’d had cannabis in my recent past – after Alison got sick – but I never actually smoked a joint before.
Her: I have one if you want.
Me: Sure, but I have to go first or after you. Because of cooties. (she laughs) I don’t know where the guys have been.
Him: You don’t know where she’s been!
Me: Fair, but, given the right circumstances, it’s within the realm of possibility that I end up making out with one woman or another. Not you, of course, just women in general…
Afterward, we headed back to mine where we attempted to play some Exploding Kittens but ended up talking for hours instead.
Him: I respect how the three of you seem to talk to people you don’t know.
Me: (shrugging) I just assume they want to talk to me.
After a bit, we all ended up on a topic that’s relatively private so I’ll end that story here.
Didn’t sleep very well that night. As I said, I never smoked a joint before in my life and the things I was thinking and feeling were unsettling.
I apologize to Alison a lot when I’m by my lonely. For failing her.
It was a rough night and I’ll leave it at that as well.
It was my first joint but I feel like I’ve been drunk for three years and fifteen days.
Location: saying hi on 77th and Amsterdam
Mood: busy
Music: Why does it hurt (Spotify)
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