The little things to make it / you better

There’s a place in Brooklyn called the E-Waste Warehouse where anyone can drop off old electronics.
So, recently rented a car, cleaned out my cellar again, and hauled out boxes and boxes of old computers and junk to them.
There’s something satisfying about bringing items that you know will be put to good use – or at least not arbitrarily thrown out to the landfill.
Wrote once where this author said that It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do a little.
This’s good cause I can’t do much, but the little things, that I can do.
Speakinga the little things, was given a slight (really slight) promotion in my wrasslin class.
Per most martial arts classes, the more experienced guys often show the newbies the basics, which frees the coach to teach more advanced moves to the others.
Done it a few times and teaching’s the best way to learn things so I credit that to my (slight) advancement.
One newbie I helped teach is this Austrian dude who’s been killing it on the mat and he’s only been there for maybe six months. I actually showed him a few of the beginner moves way back when.
He’s been there 1/5 the time I’ve been there, but goes almost daily and seems to have a natural knack for it. He’s already better than me.
Anywho, we line up by order of skill. He often lines up lower than me and others that have been there longer than he has, partly outta respect to me, and partly cause he’s just a nice fella.
While I like that’s he’s so humble, the reason why I like my wrasslin class so much’s cause it’s an absolutely pure meritocracy. No bureaucracy, no egos, no teacher’s pet, no crap, etc.
Just straight-up meritocracy.
Honestly, how often does that happen?
So I politely tell him to line up ahead of me and he demurs for a moment before he does.
Don’t want or need to be better than him. Or anyone, for that matter.
Just wanna be better than I was the day before.
It’s been a year since the Japan disaster. They still need help.
Like I said, the little things, yeah? I wish them to be better than the day before:
- Text JAPAN to 80888 to donate $10 to Salvation Army Aid Efforts
- Text REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10 to Red Cross Earthquake Relief
- Text TSUNAMI to 50555 to give $10 to Convoy for Hope
- Text JAPAN to 50555 to donate $10 to Global Giving
- Text JAPAN or 20222 to donate to Save the Children’s Japan Fund
- Text MED or 80888 to donate $10 to International Medical Corps
Thanks to Call-to-Action for the list.
Location: 3AM, wide awake in my bed
Mood: ever awake – I’m always #@$@# awake.
Music: those people keep a-movin’ – And that’s what tortures me