Why is it the Top 40?
Did you ever wonder why the music countdown was always the Top 40? Why not the top 30, or 50?
The reason is because early jukeboxes could only hold 40 songs. So, decades later, we’re still constrained by figures and things that are no longer relevant.
I think about that a good deal: Why things are the way they are.
As I teach my fencing art and continue to wrassle, I’m ever vigilant to wonder if things are done for a good reason or if that’s just how things have always been done – and if the latter, why.
The core of the fulfilled life is the life that wonders why. And I think we all – in our own way – wonder about our purpose.
On a related note, I found the video above fascinating because you can hear how accents changed over time – how a UK accent can become an American Southern accent over time.
It’s a great commentary on how environment and time affects things to make the so different from what they once were that they’re no longer recognizable as what they once were.
On the flip side, though, I probably lie awake too long at wondering.
Location: a building with someone that is starkers
Mood: irritated
Music: It’s simple and eternal, the sum of where we’re made
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